Shuddering businesses and forcing people to stay away from each other is unconditionally wrong. In a pandemic, the only appropriate response is more frequent handwashing,  less time spent out of the house while ill, and expanding healthcare capacity as necessary. 

Locking down a society is an absurd policy that has been empirically discredited for some time. Below are the reasons why lockdowns, or any form of government interference in human interaction, are an unmitigated disaster.

Lockdowns are simply unnecessary

SARS-CoV-2 has a 99.85% survival rate. Four studies have estimated that 99% of people possess some degree of pre-pandemic natural immunity. Public Health Norway has stated that SARS-CoV-2 is equivalent to the flu and thus deserves no special measures. Almost all COVID deaths are in the elderly with pre-existing poor health. For people under 70, SARS-CoV-2 carries a lower risk of death than the flu.

The PCR tests used to diagnose a COVID infection are fraudulent, resulting in almost all reported ‘cases’ being false positives. A large portion of deaths attributed to COVID are also intentionally misattributed. There is no pandemic or emergency from which we need protection.

COVID has effective treatments which, on average, reduce mortality by 85%. These treatments are forbidden in many countries because the government wants as many people as possible to die from COVID. Supplementation of vitamin D reduces illness in the same range. Rather than imprison society to ‘save lives,’ the government should provide treatment.

Lockdowns violate fundamental human rights

Being imprisoned at home or forced to stay away from others is a violation of our most precious and most basic human rights. Associating with others is the essence of life, after all. Severe restrictions on interpersonal interaction violate the constitution and international human rights law.

Lockdowns cause severe psychological suffering

Although it is cool to deny it, life under lockdown is utter misery. Numerous studies have discovered that lockdowns reduce quality of life commensurate with having an acute physical disease. Psychological wellness is as important to health as physical wellness. There is also the potential for lockdowns to cause long-term psychological trauma.

Lockdowns cause economic devastation

Unemployment, poverty, and unmanageable personal debt have consistently resulted from lockdowns. In contrast to the false dichotomy of ‘lives over jobs,’ these three adverse financial outcomes are themselves strongly associated with poor health outcomes. A strong economy is the backbone of a healthy society. Public health measures which severely harm the economy are always counterproductive.

Suppression of healthcare has dire health consequences

Cancelling surgeries, postponing diagnostic tests, and making it more difficult to see a healthcare provider will always have major repercussions on people’s health. People are forced to suffer from their medical conditions longer than usual due to delayed treatment. Many people inevitably die as a result of healthcare obstruction.

Contrary to the mainstream narrative, the healthcare denial that has come with lockdowns has always been intentional. The healthcare system has the same capacity as pre-pandemic. It has been ordered to close down by the government to create the impression that it is overloaded with COVID patients.

Suicidality has become an epidemic under lockdowns

The rate of people who are suicidal has increased 4-fold in the general population and 10-fold among youth. Hospitals have seen an explosion in youth attempting to kill themselves compared to pre-lockdown. Suicide attempts are now common in children for the first time in history. Lockdowns make life so unbearable that people don’t see any point in living.

Lockdowns aggravate a multitude of social problems

There appears to be few situations as stressful as being confined to the home for long periods. This ironic revelation can be seen in the increase in domestic problems, smoking, and binge drinking during lockdowns. Fatal overdoses have risen dramatically. Street drugs are more dangerous under lockdowns due to substitution with easier-to-get but more toxic synthetic drugs.

Lockdowns cause hunger, starvation, and extreme poverty

Lockdowns prevent many people from adequately feeding themselves, even in rich countries. In low income countries, lockdowns have caused mass famine and significantly escalated levels of extreme poverty. Hundreds of millions of people have sunken into extreme poverty as a result of a lockdown in 2020, doubling the number of people on the starvation line.

Lockdowns tear our social fabric

Unconstitutional policies such as lockdowns or forced masking create deep divisions in society. Many people zealously support the radical policies while others fervently oppose them. The rift is so severe that it often breaks up friendships and families. 

Because there is no scientific, legal, or moral foundation for lockdowns, support is based upon faith in the government and media which promote them. A faith-based cult has arisen which attacks anyone who complains about the terrible abuse they are enduring at the hands of their government.

Lockdowns depress the immune system

It is only logical that we should try to strengthen our immune system to protect us from respiratory infections. SARS-CoV-2, like all pathogens, will not make someone sick if she has a sufficiently strong immune system. By causing persistent stress, limiting our contact with microorganisms, depriving us of physical activity, and other mechanisms, lockdowns have a powerful immunosuppressive effect. They steal the best weapon we have against coronavirus — our immune system!

Lockdowns don’t work

Many studies have compared free jurisdictions to those under lockdown. The conclusion — strictness of the pandemic response has no effect on any COVID metric. Simply, lockdowns do not work. Counterintuitive, yes, but when you consider that people need to be sick to spread coronavirus, it starts to make sense.

Unfortunately, there have been many ‘studies’ which compared actual COVID deaths to projected deaths according to a model and concluded that lockdowns have saved a large amount of lives. These studies are propaganda, not science. The models were designed to produce an unrealistically high number of COVID deaths. The media, of course, buries the quality studies which have proven that lockdowns have no positive effects.

Criteria for a Public Health Initiative

  1. Expected health benefit for at least one subpopulation. 
  2. Low risk for anyone to be harmed physically, psychologically, socially, or financially. Negative consequences, like medication side effects, are only acceptable on an individual basis and with informed consent. For universal measures, not one person may be harmed. 
  3. No violations of human rights. Bounded by the constitution. 
  4. Individual informed consent: full disclosure of the nature of the treatment, expected outcomes, alternatives available, and potential risks or side effects. No coercion of any kind.

Lockdowns meet none of the criteria for a public health initiative. They have a consistent track record of zero benefit with serious harm inflicted upon the entire population.  They violate fundamental rights and are forced upon a gullible public which has little understanding of their harms or lack of efficacy.

If lockdowns cause so much harm and they are not a public health program, what are they?

Lockdowns are widespread and systematic attacks on civilian populations by their own governments. Countries enacting lockdowns may be considered to have an unarmed internal conflict or unconventional civil warfare if there was a significant organized resistance to them, which there is not. 

The wealthy continue to make trillions of dollars from the crime of lockdown. The public has yet to wake up to the reality that the ‘pandemic response’ is an attack against them with no public health rationalization. It is critical to recognize lockdowns (along with COVID pseudo-vaccination) as attacks on the public by the government. The conspirators will keep pushing until they have Godlike control over all human activity and they directly affect our physiology.

Only by making a sacrifice can we escape from the boot of our oppressors and maintain the integrity of our physiology. That involves risking unemployment, professional de-licensing, incarceration, and social rejection for opposing The Terror of lockdowns and COVID pseudo-vaccination. It also involves using your resources, such as time, money, or influence to fight to liberate your country. No war has ever been won without a large number of people each making a warrior’s sacrifice.