Updated October 2022

COVID vaccination is a covert mass poisoning campaign. That is the only logical conclusion one can reach after examining the evidence. The injections cause serious harm to the immune system, cardiovascular system, and nervous system, in addition to causing immediate illness. 12 million people, including 1.9 million Americans, have been killed by these deadly injections in one August 2022 estimate. By another estimate, there have been 19.5 million deaths and 2.2 billion injuries globally. The odds of dying are greater over a period of three weeks following an injection; 60 times greater in the first two days.1 2 The long-term effects of the injections on health may not be seen for 5-10 years or more.

The vaccine-induced spike proteins create profuse damage, such as microclotting, that may take considerable time to manifest as a health issue. The pathogenic priming caused by the vaccine causes the immune system to overreact and attack your own body when it comes into contact with a pathogen of a certain structure. That may not happen for a few years after vaccination.

COVID vaccination programs violate human rights in the most profound way. Post-injection, they deprive people of their health, and often, their lives. It is hard to imagine anyone not dying early due to this pseudo-vaccine, considering its profound adverse effects on the vital bodily systems. Such dire side effects for vaccines that don’t even work! Data from around the world clearly demonstrates that they increase the odds of dying from COVID-19. The treatment provides no benefit to recipients, but the government loves it because it gives them direct control over our bodies, brains, and lifespans.

Scientists predict that within a few years, a large portion of vaccinated people will die from the effects of the spike protein (bleeding or blood clots), antibody-dependent enhancement (immune system overreaction to future pathogen exposure), or prion disease. Cancer is another major problem. People with cancer see much faster tumor growth following vaccination. Rates of endometrial cancer are 20 times higher in the vaccinated. It is quite possible that everyone who receives the vaccine will die early because of it. Moreover, there is strong evidence to suggest that the shots will generate high rates of cancer in a few years’ time.

The late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko was one of the leading authorities on the treatment of COVID. He estimates that those who survive the quarter following vaccination will ultimately lose 30 years in life expectancy from the shots.3 Dr. Dolores Cahill, professor of immunology at University College Dublin, predicts that most people will not live beyond 10 years post-vaccination. 

Could ADE wipe out a fraction of the hundreds of millions of vaccinated people? Sure it could. Since the effect isn’t understood adequately, no one can give you reassurances that it won’t.

Dr. Mike Yeadon, former VP and Chief Scientist of Respiratory Research at Pfizer, Aug. 2021

COVID vaccines are toxic and cause long-term internal damage to all recipients. We don’t know their death rate — of course our governments won’t incriminate themselves by publishing accurate statistics. A 100% 20-year death rate is not out of the question. We simply do not know how many people will die because of them. In 30 years of researching coronavirus and mRNA vaccines, pharmas couldn’t keep the animal subjects alive, so they decided just to skip animal testing this time. Now humans are the lab rats.

In light of the life-threatening changes COVID vaccines make to our bodies and the deception and coercion pervasive with their administration, mass vaccination campaigns for SARS-CoV-2 constitute the gravest crime against humanity of all — the crime of extermination.

CEO of OneAmerica, a $100 billion insurance agency, sounds the alarm on a 40% increased death rate for working-age Americans. Relatively few of the deaths are labelled as COVID. This is not vaccination. It is extermination.

Dr. Martin has followed the planned coronavirus conspiracy very closely since 1999. He claims that the conspirators have for years planned to kill 700 million people with ‘COVID vaccines’. June, 2022. FULL INTERVIEW

Vaccinated Britons under 60 are dying at twice the rate as unvaccinated Britons of similar age. SOURCE


The crime of extermination is committed in the case of a widespread, systematic effort to kill, severely injure, or endanger the lives of a large number of people. It is differentiated from genocide in that it is committed against the general public and does not target a specified group. All of the international statutes of crimes against humanity include the crime of extermination.

According to the statute of the International Criminal Court (Rome Statute), extermination is more than mass executions:

“Extermination: includes the intentional infliction of conditions of life, inter alia the deprivation of access to food and medicine, calculated to bring about the destruction of part of a population.”4

In the document, Elements of Crimes, the ICC further describes the crime of extermination:

Article 7 (1) (b) Crime against humanity of extermination Elements 

    1. The perpetrator killed one or more persons, including by inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about the destruction of part of a population.
    2. The conduct constituted, or took place as part of, a mass killing of members of a civilian population. 
    3. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. 
    4. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population.5

In the Stakic ICTY appeal judgement, the mens rea of extermination was determined as:

“to kill on a large scale or to systematically subject a large number of people to conditions of living that would lead to their deaths.”6

Further explanation of extermination from the Draft Code of the International Law Commission of the UN (The word ‘draft’ is misleading. This is the most important document on crimes against humanity next to the Rome Statute; original draft, 1951.) states…

Extermination covers situations in which a group of individuals who do not share any common characteristics are killed. It also applies to situations in which some members of a group are killed while others are spared.7 

The crime of extermination is not limited to direct killing such as shooting or bombing. Inclusive to the concept is the subjection of large numbers of people to conditions or injuries in which there is a significant possibility of a large portion of them dying as a result. Take the Khmer Rouge extermination in Cambodia in the 1970s. A quarter of Cambodia’s population (1.5 million people) died at the hands of this ultra-cruel military regime.8 Historians estimate 40-69% of the deaths resulted from exhaustion, disease, and starvation in the work camps, giving rise to the term “killing fields.”9 10 Historians and legal scholars make no distinction between deaths from executions and deaths from conditions in compiling the death toll. 

A large proportion of deaths from the Nazi Holocaust were also indirect. Most estimates of Jewish lives lost in the Holocaust are in the 5 to 6 million range.11 David E. Stannard, a Holocaust scholar and professor of history from the University of Hawaii, estimates that 5.1 million Jewish people died in the Holocaust, 2.7 million of which were due to executions. Stannard attributes the remaining 2.4 million Holocaust deaths to the starvation, malnutrition, disease, and exhaustion which resulted from the conditions in Jewish ghettos and concentration camps.12 The Holocaust genocide was more than gas chambers.

The crime of extermination, as we have seen, may result from mass executions or from forcing a large number of people into life-threatening living conditions. However, that is not all. There is another commission that is considered extermination in international law. Actions for which life-threatening injuries are a foreseeable consequence constitute extermination if “committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population.” From the Krstic judgement in the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY):

The offences of murder and extermination have a similar element in that they both intend the death of the victims. They have the same mens rea, which consists of the intention to kill or the intention to cause serious bodily injury to the victim which the perpetrator must have reasonably foreseen was likely to result in death.13

In the ICTY’s STANIŠIĆ & ŽUPLJANIN appeal judgment, it was also recognized that extermination may consist of causing widespread bodily harm which may result in many deaths:

As such, the Appeals Chamber considers that the mens rea for extermination to “(i) kill on a large scale” can be met by establishing the mens rea for murder as a crime against humanity – i.e. the intent to: (i) kill the victim; or (ii) wilfully cause serious bodily harm which the perpetrator should reasonably have known might lead to death[3] – plus the additional intention to do so on a large scale.6

From Vasiljevic, (Trial Chamber), November 29, 2002, para. 229, we may infer that the court views extermination as killing or bodily harm. Of note in this passage is that extermination does not require a large proportion of deaths in the injured, but a large total number of deaths. We can infer that mass assaults with modest fatality rates qualify as ‘extermination’ if the absolute numbers of victims are very high.

“The offender must intend to kill, to inflict grievous bodily harm, or to inflict serious injury, in the reasonable knowledge that such act or omission is likely to cause death, or otherwise intends to participate in the elimination of a number of individuals, in the knowledge that his action is part of a vast murderous enterprise in which a large number of individuals are systematically marked for killing or killed (mens rea).”14

In the Kupreskic ICTY murder case, we can again see that murder is more than just executions. Murder, and therefore extermination, may result from risking the lives of others. 

“The requisite mens rea of murder under Article 5(a) is the intent to kill or the intent to inflict serious injury in reckless disregard of human life.14

Lastly, we can improve our understanding of extermination by looking at its cousin, genocide. The distinguishing feature between the two is that genocide is perpetrated against a defined group, such as a nation or religion, while extermination is indiscriminate. The definition of genocide is outlined in the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. It includes (Article 2.b):

“Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group.”15

If non-fatal but severe mental or physical harm constitutes genocide, we must accept that it also constitutes extermination if committed against the general population.



Reporter asks politician from Victoria, Australia about the breakdown of vaxxed/unvaxxed COVID deaths and is told that it is secret!

Dr. Fuellmich, of the prestigious Corona Investigative Committee, explains how COVID vaccination is meant to kill as many people as possible. FULL INTERVIEW


The war to inject everyone in the world in the shoulder multiple times per year has nothing to do with SARS-CoV-2 inoculation. According to Canadian health scientists Dr. Paul Alexander and Dr. Howard Tenenbaum, there is nothing about this treatment that would qualify it to be a ‘vaccine.’ READ MORE


As of now, relatively few people have been held down and forcibly injected with a COVID vaccine against their will. Surely, one who voluntarily and happily gets vaccinated cannot be considered a victim of a crime against humanity even if she tragically dies as a result? Someone who got vaccinated without any pressure or coercion whatsoever?

That depends on whether or not there was informed consent. People die as a side effect of medications everyday. Up to 40,000 people a year die from medication side effects in the U.S.16 That doesn’t mean that their prescribing doctors killed them. As long as people who take medications are informed of their risks by their doctors, or have the opportunity to look up risks and side effects personally, they have exclusive liability. However, recipients of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are not warned of their high rate of injuries, nor are they able to research the vaccines online due to censorship. 

In fact, their government and local healthcare workers lie to them about the effects they have in the body and the likelihood of injury or death. They even lie about what it is that is being injected — an experimental gene-editing substance which causes your body to produce quadrillions of live, toxic spike proteins that pervade your entire body. It certainly is not a “vaccine.” Israeli data shows that COVID cases are equally likely to occur in vaccinated people as in unvaccinated people. Global data shows an alarming increase in COVID deaths following vaccination at the individual and population level. “Disease-enhancer” would be a more appropriate label for this unique group of drugs.

The government, media, and healthcare industry are lying to people about everything regarding COVID vaccines — the nature of the drug, mechanism of action, side effects, likelihood of severe adverse reaction or death, even the need for a vaccine in the first place.

If a COVID vaccine was developed which was perfectly safe and perfectly effective with no side effects, it may not even be worth the cost of purchasing it. COVID-19 is a mild disease that affects a fraction of a percent of the population per year, when factoring in misattributions and false positives.a The death rate approaches zero when vitamin D is used prophylactically and it is treated with cheap, off-patent medications. There is no medical crisis for which a COVID vaccine is needed. There is not even a medical need for a COVID vaccine. COVID deaths only occur in the sick and elderly. It provides a quicker and more compassionate passing than the leading causes of death: cancer (Canada), dementia (UK).

Dr. Zelenko explaining how the “vaccination” program is genocide.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla refers to COVID vaccines as “weapons.” July 2022


“The actus reus for aiding and abetting the crime of extermination is that the accused carries out acts specifically directed to assist, encourage or lend moral support to the perpetration of that crime.”

Ntakirutimana & Ntakirutimana Appeals Judgement, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, 20046


People only elect to get a COVID vaccine out of ignorance. No one would get it if they understood the serious harm it causes everyone, the lack of need, or the superior alternatives. Unbeknownst to the masses, taking vitamin D preventively or getting treated with repurposed drugs like ivermectin reduce COVID mortality upwards of 80% with basically no side effects or risk of death. But the vaccination campaign goes far beyond misinformation, censorship of scientists and denial of COVID medications. It extends to indoctrination, threats, and blackmail. 

Many employers, including governments, have become vaccinated-only employers. Restaurants and pubs bar entry without vaccination, by choice or by law. Universities won’t allow students on campus without proof of vaccination. Many Canadian provinces have refused to relax restrictions unless 70% or more of adults are vaccinated. The Israeli prime minister recently warned of a lockdown for the unvaccinated only. 

And then there is the bullying. The conspirators have taught the public to bully unvaccinated people. There is an epidemic of abuse against people who are unvaccinated, or even criticize the vaccines. It is now socially acceptable — cool, in fact — to harass these “anti-vaxxers” in any setting. Unvaccinated people are mercilessly bullied at home, at work, and at school. It is understandable how people get vaccinated just to end the relentless abuse. Considering the multifaceted punishment endured by the unvaccinated, it could be that the majority of people who have been vaccinated have done so only because they wanted their lives back.

Under such coercion, there is no free choice. Even if vaccine recipients were duly informed of the risks of the vaccine and the alternatives available, the punishment for remaining unvaccinated is severe enough to place liability for adverse events onto the government and its colluders. Vaccine recipients, therefore, have no responsibility for any side effects or adverse events. They were bullied, blackmailed, threatened, and told every lie conceivable to get them to comply with an experimental treatment against their will. Vaccine recipients couldn’t be less responsible for the effects of vaccination if they were pinned down and forcibly injected, kicking and screaming. 

Each injection is an assault and an attempt of murder. Presently, about 10,000 people per day are murdered by the shots globally. Under international law, governments carrying out mass vaccination for SARS-CoV-2 are engaging in the crime against humanity known as extermination. The public may be unaware of the long-term health or brain-subjugating effects of the vaccines. but the government is counting on them! The vaccination campaigns are more than an extermination of life. They are an extermination of humanity. They alter our genes and take control of our bodies in ways we are only beginning to understand. With this technology, elites will be able to control our physiological functions, including thoughts and feelings. There will be no more humans. There will only be programmable organic robots. 

Sucharit Bhakdi and Michael Yeadon discuss COVID vaccination as an extermination in what was supposed to be a debate with the Tanzania government, Sept. 2021. The government reps didn’t show up, but the panel nevertheless had a great discussion. FULL VIDEO

Dr. Bhakdi also has a short video message on the corruption of the UK government and BBC.

C’mon, It Couldn’t Be That Bad

There is considerable hesitancy in acknowledging the ongoing extermination by injection. The hesitancy is rooted in the cognitive bias that the world is a happy place and the future is bright — two errors which reject logic in favor of peace of mind.

Read More


Excellent piece of work by Paul & Howard. Thank you.*

I have many & major concerns. In brief the population of the planet of being taken through the gates of hell over a probably partly invented virus, which is not unusual in its lethality. I agree these ‘vaccines’ were never appropriate & there was ample evidence of global fraud by fear long before that vaccines was prematurely considered for emergency use authorisation. Re-reading Dr Peter Doshi’s blog post in BMJ, referencing Pfizer’s regulatory submission to FDA, he made some striking observations. Specifically, he pointed out how THOUSANDS of suspected ‘cases’ from the vaccine arm of the trial had been “removed from statistical analysis because of “unspecified protocol deviations”.

When Doshi reanalysed the data with all the subject included, ‘efficacy’ fell to 19% (and not significant). I know enough about clinical trials & the many conventions that ensure you don’t carry undeclared conflicts of interest. What was done in that trial was clearly improper. In reality, the Pfizer / BioNTech product never even worked in the closely controlled trial. I also think there is a virus. I’m no longer convinced it’s as described, but is a blend of genetic material from several different sources.

Three key questions:

1. Do these vaccines work?
I suspect none of them do. Paul & Howard lays out some of the evidence.

2. Are these vaccines safe?
They are absolutely not safe. They are responsible for huge numbers of horrific injuries & deaths in completely unprecedented numbers, based on review of public vaccine safety monitoring systems in the US, U.K. & Europe.

3. Are these vaccines necessary?
No, not at all. If anything, deaths rise immediately after mass vaccination started almost everywhere when the data was good enough to examine. On the other side of the medical ledger, excellent treatments have been identified & used, 85-90% of severe illness & death was prevented.

Given the foregoing, that these are not vaccines, they don’t work as vaccines, they’re massively far away from any acceptable safety profile & there are low cost, well understood drug treatments, why would you allow anyone to stick a needle in your arm? I beg of you: if you’ve not been vaccinated, do not capitulate now. If you’ve been vaccinated, reject the bribe of some of your freedoms bank (aka vaccine passport). Giving in to tyranny always leads to more tyranny.

We must not cooperate with our own entrapment. I keep a good eye out on many countries. It is clear that one objective is to lure us all into a VaxPass database. Then we’ll have to show it in order to buy food. Now you cannot protest or you’ll go hungry.

Ultimately it’s my deduction that the evil perpetrators will exploit [their] tyrannical powers to kill off the majority of the human race.

Something like this has been planned for close to 40 years. See The Georgia Guidestones. Please share this & please resolved to cooperate only with your fellow citizens in thwarting this diabolical crime.


Best wishes

Dr Mike Yeadon17

*Referencing this article, also mentioned above under THAT WASN’T A VACCINE YOU GOT.