September 26, 2021

Updated Feb. 2022

Let’s be honest. The fight for freedom over the past year and a half hasn’t gone too well. The war that elites are waging against the rest of society has been intensifying, not weakening. There doesn’t seem to be anything that we can do to stop our governments from taking total control of our lives and bodies. 

France has had a spectacular protest campaign once vaccine passports were announced, but the French government’s resolve hasn’t been affected. The freedom protest movement around the world has steadily grown, but where is the policy progress? Changing public opinion has also had dismal results. Talking to people about the fake pandemic is like punching a brick wall. There seems to be an impenetrable mental barrier through which no atom of reason can pass. 

We cannot give up on these basics of advocacy. Protests and person-to-person communication is indispensable. However, over a year of protesting, Tweeting, and talking to people we know about The Terror has given us head-bowingly disappointing results. Very little of the developed world is free from ‘public health’ rights violations and vaccine coercion at this time. Billions of people are still prevented from living normally and the extermination by injection continues unabated.

Public education and protesting may not suffice to end The Terror. Our enemies are unshakably determined. The brainwashed public won’t even hear our message. It is high time to consider disruptive action — activism which disrupts the current operation of society. Disruptive action is theoretically grounded in the punishment theory of operant conditioning. Punishment theory surmises that a behavior will decrease if it is consistently punished. 

Disruptive action can be unpredictable and have negative consequences for a variety of parties. A teacher strike is a disruptive action. Teacher strikes deprive children of education for the duration of the strike. Road blockades are another type of disruptive action. You can imagine all the inconveniences that those can cause. 

Any social activism which involves punishment has a handsome capacity to make enemies. The target of your influence, as well as the general public, may become less sympathetic to your plea, rather than more. 

For instance, environmental activists have chained themselves to process equipment in the oil sands, halting the plants’ operations, in order to protest the environmental damage being done by the industry. To some people, hearing about this bold act may have caused them to look upon pollution in the oil sands more sternly. However, there are many others who, upon learning about the stunt, became more apathetic to the cause, or began to view the environmental movement as radical and out-of-touch. PETA, for instance, has had success in getting media attention with controversial PR stunts, but has also garnered considerable resentment towards its organization and the animal rights movement from those same tactics.

It is inevitable that some people will lose sympathy for a cause with disruptive action. Many people think that rules are rules or people shouldn’t be causing trouble, no matter what the context. That is fine. The purpose of this form of activism is to raise awareness about a cause or make it difficult for the targeted group to continue their unethical operations. 

Disruptive action is not intended to increase sympathy in those who are already aware of the issue at hand. It draws media attention towards an issue so more people become aware of the issue. At the institutional level, the goal is for the target organization to change course in order to avert further loss, not because they develop sympathy for the activists’ demands.

Below are a variety of tactics that can be used in a disruptive action campaign. Some can be utilized by an individual; others require a large group. I recommend boycotts unreservedly. They have great potential with little downside. 

Besides boycotts, I present these tactics for educational purposes only. It is important to be aware of all of the tools available to fight for your freedom. Some tactics are illegal and may carry the potential for incarceration. While this form of human rights advocacy has unpredictable, and sometimes, negative results, it also has potential to move the needle on an issue for which standard activism has failed to deliver results.


Companies which take deeply amoral directions need to be corrected. A company which requires all of its workers to be “vaccinated,” for instance, is reprehensible and deserves to go out of business. If you learn of a restaurant chain requiring patrons to be vaccinated, stop visiting it altogether. If you get wind of a video game production company becoming a vaccinated employee-only workplace, stop buying their games. Withhold your business from companies complicit in The Terror and give it to those that respect the rights of their employees and clients.

Moscow nightlife

General boycotts can work in the case of a new government mandate. In Moscow, for instance, there was a general boycott of restaurants and bars following the introduction of a vaccine passport. After a few weeks of unvaccinated and vaccinated alike boycotting all businesses requiring proof of vaccination, the mayor of Moscow withdrew the vaxpass in order to prevent total collapse of the restaurant and bar industries. General, or industry-wide, boycotts can backfire, however. Don’t assume that your government cares if it destroys the economy. That was, after all, one of the objectives of lockdowns.

Social media and search engines are an easy and important area to boycott. Most social media platforms, including Facebook, censor counter-narrative information on the pandemic very strictly. If you post on Facebook about your vaccine injury, the post will probably get taken down and you may have your account deleted, as well. The major search engines, Google in particular, only show search results which promote the mainstream anti-freedom narrative. 

Stop using Google. Instead, use Yandex, Qwant, Dogpile, and other uncensored search engines. Not only will you get more accurate search results, a large boycott will reduce the revenue of the censoring search engines and pressure them to stop censoring. 

Delete your Facebook account. Instead use GETTR, Telegram, Twitter, Gab, or Parler. Those platforms do censor, especially regarding vaccines, but much less so than Facebook and other major platforms. Once the legacy social media platforms see their user volumes tanking, they will lose enough ad revenue to reconsider their censorship policies.

The news media is probably the most important to boycott. They are responsible for The Terror as much as the government because they administer the disinformation and propaganda blitz. Stop watching CNN. Stop reading The Atlantic. Turn off the radio. Only consume news from sources that have been providing honest coverage, such as Fox News or Rebel News. Get your pandemic news from trustworthy sources like The Expose or TrialSiteNews. Legacy news agencies will see that their lies are starting to catch up with them. They will have to give up their campaign of terror if they want to remain in business.

Labour Action

Workers who are subject to pressure from their employer to get vaccinated, or wear masks when no state mandate is in place, may wish to consider labor action. An overtime ban, strike, or coordinated reduction in work effort can put pressure on an employer to lift unfair ‘pandemic’ rules. 

The employees’ first step should always be to educate their employer on the harms and futility of their ‘public health’ policies. Speech alone won’t suffice. You must offer resources to back up your claims, such as this site,, and Vaccine Truth. Provide the evidence that the vaccines are ineffective and dangerous along with a warning of legal action for the inevitable adverse reactions. 

If your employer won’t rescind the vax mandate, step up the negotiation with warnings of work action. If they still won’t drop their misguided policies, it is time for labor action. You may not need to be unionized to legally take labor action, but you should have a majority of employees at your workplace on board. Better to go without pay due to a strike than to get injured from a toxic injection. Keep in mind that while non-legal strikes against the injectable bioweapon are morally justified, there could be repercussions for workers, such as termination of employment. Nevertheless, it’s better to lose your job than lose your life from the bioweapon!

Alternative Media

With the exception of Fox News, mainstream media is utterly corrupt. They have colluded with the conspirators of The Terror to perpetually misinform the public and keep everyone in a state of intense fear and anxiety. Honest and ethical reporting has become so uncommon that there is no point in watching the news or reading the newspaper anymore. 

Fortunately, ethical independent media outlets have been emerging. Some of these outlets specialize in pandemic-related information, such as LifeSite News or The Exposé. Others are established but relatively small news agencies which have been receiving increased recognition for their ethical reporting, such as Canada’s Rebel News and True North News

It is important to support these honest news outlets with paid subscriptions, donations, and for businesses, advertising. I have no confidence that the mainstream media will ever begin to report truthfully. The owners of the major media corporations have agendas which preclude honesty and journalistic ethics. An informed public requires honest, easily-accessible sources of information. That requires broad stewardship.

Power is the collective will of the people transferred, by expressed or tacit consent, to their chosen rulers.

Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace


If you have the opportunity to escape The Terror by relocating to a different state or country, it could be a good move (pardon the pun). In Australia, for instance, some states currently have a brutal lockdown while other states have some freedom. It is understandable how people would want to escape the tyranny by moving to a freer part of the country.

But isn’t that ‘running away’? Not necessarily. You can still write letters, donate to freedom nonprofits and engage in other activities to liberate your original state of residence. Most likely, your new state will also have unjust restrictions that warrant opposition, just not to the same degree as your former state. Therefore, you can resume the fight for freedom in your new state, or spread awareness there to ensure that lockdowns and vaccine mandates never come to pass. 

Paradoxically, freedom activism probably has more impact in places where restrictions are moderate and there is mixed sentiment among the people. In these moderate locales, people are more receptive to the freedom message and the government is more responsive to the will of the people. It is much more difficult to convert people in places like British Columbia where, I estimate, 98% of people are brainwashed to the point that logic and evidence has absolutely no effect on their position.

A large migration of people out of a lockdown or vax passport zone could have a positive effect on policy. Depopulation is bad for the economy. Businesses lose customers. Unemployment rises. The rich dislike population loss because their property values suffer. If a governor sees that there is a considerable net migration out of the state, she is likely going to receive flak from all sorts of groups, from industry to unions. The state’s tax base will erode and pressure her to change her policies. It also gives her political opponents ammo, who will be able to say, “The governor’s pandemic policies are so destructive, people are fleeing the state as fast as they can!”

Relocation of a business or plant to another state sends an even bigger message to the governor. That will literally take jobs away from the state. If you decide to relocate your business due to rights restrictions, make sure to issue a press release so people know your motivations.

The state of human rights around the world continues to deteriorate. The coronavirus pandemic scheme could well become permanent. It is time to recognize that normal life may never return and make some hard choices about your future.

Withdrawing Your Children From School

Poisoning all adults isn’t enough to satisfy the barbarous desires of our rulers. They also want to poison all of the children with their “vaccine” bioweapon. They don’t want anyone of any age to evade their scheme to turn humanity into controllable organic robots with short lifespans. Today, COVID vaccine mandates are common for college students, and are starting to become required for secondary and primary students, as well. 

If you want to protect your child’s life, you must remove him or her from a school that has mandated COVID vaccination for students. Your first hand, of course, is to educate the school board on the dangers and lack of need for the vaccines in children or youth. However, if that fails, you absolutely cannot allow your child to get vaccinated and risk dying or a life of pain and suffering. Homeschooling or relocating are both better options.

As with relocating out-of-state, withdrawing your child from school sends the government a strong message that you will not tolerate their child-poisoning program. A critical mass of parents taking this action may very well end such a program where you live. It is a last-resort action, but will probably become necessary considering the determination of your enemy. Withdrawing your children from school because of other cruel practices, such as forced masking and social distancing, could also be a positive measure for them.

Canadian truckers block U.S. border in protest of vax mandate, Jan. 2022.


Have you seen stories on the news about truck drivers blocking a highway with their trucks in protest? It is quite the attention-getter, isn’t it? I’ll bet you had a strong emotional reaction to the event, but I couldn’t guess whether it was positive or negative.

Blocking a road or other means of transport is a dramatic way of getting attention and causing a disruption. Blockades are performed for a number of reasons. They may be PR stunts to get an issue reported on the news. They may be done solely to prevent the movement of something. For example, a grocery store refusing entry to unvaccinated people could be a target for a blockade — preventing workers from entering and/or trucks from docking. By making it impossible for a grocery store to operate, a blockade sends a strong message that it should operate indiscriminately or not at all.

Blockades can also be performed as a general action, similar to a general strike. A major coordinated effort could effectively shut down an entire city for a period of time. There would be many angry residents, but it could also send a message to the government that there will be consequences for violations of human rights.


The ability of the conspirators to carry out The Terror is entirely based upon their ability to keep the public in the dark about the complete failure of the pandemic restrictions and COVID vaccines. Anyone so much as speaking up about their own COVID vax injury is electronically erased. 

The freedom movement has thus far relied upon whistleblowers for insider information. However, whistleblowers are few and far between. Few people have that much courage. Fortunately, it is possible for an outsider to acquire confidential information from an organization. By hacking into an organization’s intranet, it is possible to retrieve information that could expose the criminal fraud being committed. Individual propagandists also make suitable targets. Hacking into a propagandist’s email, for instance, could reveal that they have taken bribes or that they know that their public statements a

Hot Mike

No medium is more persuasive than video. A covert audio or video recording has excellent potential to expose fraud. Covidists readily dismiss ‘conspiracy theories,’ regardless of the strength of the evidence. The one thing they don’t easily disregard, however, are incriminating recordings from a conspirator. I don’t doubt that many people have dismissed the bio-control hypothesis from The Vaccine Agenda page, only to change their mind when they watch the video of the President of Chile openly discussing his plans to inject thoughts and feelings into his own people using 5G technology!

The freedom movement has acquired valuable information from candid recordings. Project Veritas has been highly successful in this regard, including exposing CNN’s unethical reporting and fear-mongering. It is hard to get access to politicians, but perhaps you could record hospital workers discussing that most COVID patients are fully vaccinated or an administrator from a university with a vax mandate admitting that they know they are killing their students.

You may need to develop a friendship with your target and reflect his views before he gives up confidential information. Dating provides an ideal context in which to acquire highly sensitive information. Project Veritas, in fact, routinely acquires candid video on ‘dates.’


Flak is the direct critical response to an action. It usually refers to the negative feedback a news agency receives from a recent piece of content. Chomsky and Herman identified flak as one of the five forces that controls the media’s narrative in their esteemed book, Manufacturing Consent. It can be an effective tactic to influence the media and government. It has been suggested that the pro-Zionist stance of the American government and media is heavily influenced by a large and sophisticated campaign of flak that follows any criticism of Israel.

Angry emails, post mail, and phone calls directed at an organization for taking a deeply immoral action could force a retraction or reversal. It should immediately follow the contested action to be effective. Flak can be directed towards a news agency for writing a dishonest report. It can be directed at a school board for implementing a mask mandate. The government is always a target, of course. 

A large, coordinated campaign is the most effective form of flak, although each individual acting independently makes some difference. Negative feedback is also more impactful when it comes from someone in a position of power or from a representative of an organization. When giving feedback, don’t simply vent, but provide the organization with sources which demonstrate that they are wrong. Most important is to inform them of the harm they are causing.

Solicitation of Police and Military Personnel 

Our tyrannical rulers use the police and military to enforce The Terror. Police harass, ticket, or arrest people just for hanging out with their friends. In Australia, the military has been going door-to-door to make sure that everyone has been adhering to the universal house arrest edict. Control of the police and military affords rulers absolute power. There is nothing they cannot do to us so long as they continue to control armed forces.

The Terror may only end when the police resume enforcing the constitution and refuse to enforce fraudulent ‘public health’ laws. There has been some resistance against the tyranny from police officers, including the development of the Police for Freedom network. Unfortunately, the proportion of police officers who haven’t been brainwashed by the Faucian cult remains small, probably on par with the general population. 

The police are a priority target for education. If enough police officers come to understand the terrible harm they are doing by enforcing ‘public health orders’ and the complete corruption of government, entire police departments will cease cooperating with The Terror. Activists can talk to and pamphlet police officers they see on the street, but the greatest potential to awaken the police is from cops themselves educating their fellow officers and championing an institutional culture of respecting the constitution. Civilians that talk to sympathetic police officers should emphasize to the officers that they have a responsibility to awaken other officers. 

Members of the armed forces are another critical advocacy segment. They need to understand that the pandemic response is a conspiracy among the uber-elite to grab Godlike power. They must refuse to enforce pandemic-related orders if ordered. High ranking leaders of the military should be prepared to protect their country from its own government. They should recognize that the government has lost all of its authority to govern and respond accordingly.

Economist-computer scientist-historian Martin Armstrong, the world’s most successful forecaster, believes that the freedom movement can only win if it has the allegiance of the police.

Bucharest, Hungary: police refuse to enforce the pandemic restrictions… and even hold their own protest!

Lawyers pleading with police to stand with freedom protesters. Ottawa, Feb. 2022


A large group of citizens can storm an unsuspecting organization, such as the BBC or a government building, and make a bold statement. The group can halt operations temporarily, collect evidence to use against the perpetrators, or destroy the equipment with which the perpetrators use to attack a helpless population. A large group is necessary to pull this off, as is the element of surprise.

Arrests are inevitable, but it does have the potential to intimidate the enemy of the people into modifying their behavior. Moreover, a big, angry group forcing its way into a building or residence and staying for a few hours can have a psychological impact on the enemy even if they don’t do anything while inside.

Human rights activists occupying media agency ITN in London to protest their fraudulent reporting, Aug. 2021.

Financial Compensation and Employment

Money talks. The entire pandemic conspiracy has been pulled off with money. Bill Gates and Big Pharma use their money to control the WHO. Politicians and scientists have been handsomely paid to lie to the public and promote crimes against humanity. Famous people are also bribed to advocate for lockdowns, masking, and pseudo-vaccines. Tens of billions of dollars have been spent worldwide on the inescapable nonstop brainwashing effort.

The freedom movement, by comparison, has basically no money. I don’t think the movement will find success until it secures a major funding source. It only takes one rich person to fund a movement. So far the freedom movement doesn’t have any significant sources of funding despite the fact that there are well-known freedom activists who are very rich. We need institutionalization to organize the movement, collate the evidence, pay agents, and lobby politicians. That takes considerable financial resources.

Years ago, I used to research the global suicide prevention field. I was despondent to discover that pesticide manufacturers, and to a lesser extent, pharmas, controlled the entire international suicide prevention industry. That includes both the NGO and academic sides. They would pay off suicide prevention nonprofits, institutes, and experts to deny the role that medications and pesticides played in suicide. The entire suicide prevention industry was in the pocket of the pesticide manufacturers. 

From studying the suicide prevention field, I learned a great deal about how corporations use money to deceive the public, control academia, and influence state regulation. The vested interests behind The Terror are making trillions off it. I think it is naive to think that freedom activists can be victorious in our present under-resourced state. 

We need to find financial backers that can provide generous compensation to whistleblowers. People are afraid to expose the fraud they witness at work for fear of being fired and blacklisted from their industry. More people will undoubtedly come forward with critical information if there was compensation available to them to offset the predictable unemployment.

There should also be a program to compensate people who have lost their jobs, including research funding, for criticizing or refusing to comply with The Terror. How can we expect people to do the right thing when we know they may lose their jobs as a result, unless we offer assistance with their finances or employment? 

Where to Send the Intel

You’ve downloaded incriminating information at your organization or recorded your member of parliament stating that COVID restrictions are a theater — what next? You need to get that information out to the public. Going to the authorities or mainstream media with intel is unlikely to be productive because they are the conspirators. You can try spreading the intel yourself on social media but will likely be censored and not believed. There are a few trustworthy sources that can disseminate the intel and use it for legal action against the conspirators. Consider taking your intel to the following:

Project Veritas — American media organization specializing in giving a voice to whistleblowers and conducting their own undercover investigations.

Renz Law — U.S. lawyer Thomas Renz has been taking legal action against the government for committing fraud related to the pandemic. Much of this intel is acquired through whistleblowers.

Corona Investigative Committee — largest legal action against the pandemic conspiracy. Based in Germany but collects information on the conspiracy from around the world. Not a responsive group, but if you have evidence of serious malfeasance, I would approach them.

Rebel News — Canadians and Australians with intel should approach this freedom-friendly alternative news organization. The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms is also a good choice for Canadians.

War Room — Steve Bannon’s popular U.S. podcast.

Daily Skeptic — Toby Young’s popular U.K. freedom website.

The Expose — U.K. newspaper specializing in exposing the pandemic conspiracy.

Project Veritas founder, James O’Keefe