In Part 4

Fear Incitation

Glittering Generalities

The COVID Game

The Full Hospital Hoax

Masks As Propaganda

Shaming and Humiliating

Personal Slander

Law Is The Highest Authority

Fear Incitation

Fear has always been used by ambitious people to attain power. There is no more powerful method of control. Fear has the ability to change beliefs and behavior like nothing else. The only way people will submit to totalitarianism is if there is an enemy, real or imaginary, from which they are seeking protection. The enemy may be dire poverty, a foreign army, or a rival ideology. The only criteria for the enemy is that it must make people feel deeply threatened. Knowing this, leaders throughout history have incited fear among citizens who in turn gladly gave up their rights in exchange for promises of safety.

It is almost futile to discuss how fear has been used by the media and politicians since the coronavirus outbreak. Clearly, you cannot turn on the TV or open the newspaper without coming across multiple headlines about how coronavirus is even more dangerous than it was the day before. The media seeks to maximize fear because it keeps us tuned in and increases advertising revenues. Politicians have grossly exaggerated the severity and expected death toll of SARS-CoV-2 in order to secure absolute power and play out their sadistic fantasies. 

Truly, it is hard to exaggerate the impact that our wildly inflated fears of coronavirus have had upon us. Not only have we willingly given up our jobs and social relations, we have become profoundly transformed inside. Extreme fear impedes rational thought and makes people cling to sources of security — in this case the journalists and politicians that we idolize as heroes. Because of the reduction in reasoning ability and clinginess to false idols, it is very hard to awaken people to the lockdown scam with logic! People automatically reject anything that challenges the popular narrative. In the scared infantile state, logical thinking ceases and all that matters is obeying Mommy and Daddy. Strong lifelong values like the importance of freedom and human rights are dealt a fatal blow.

Below: Oscar calibre horror performance by the Director of the CDC, March 2021. Such theatrical performances have been highly effective in keeping the public so paralyzed with terror that their logical minds have shut down and they will give up all their rights in exchange for ‘safety.’

Glittering Generalities

A phrase or term used to persuade which carries emotional impact but lacks useful information is a called a ‘glittering generality’ in communication studies. They are typically in the form of vague but universally respected values. Thus, they are hard to refute in themselves. Often used by politicians, they create an association between a political position and a feel-good concept without explaining how the concept applies.

For instance, China’s official name is the “People’s Republic of China.” The term “people” makes the name sound democratic, yet China is a single party dictatorship. Admittedly, it sounds better than the “Torture-Enforced Dictatorship of China.” Libertarians arguing against regulation or progressive taxation often use the term “prosperity,” yet the neoliberal policies they promote have been shown to increase prosperity mostly among the already affluent. One can argue with the legitimacy of libertarian policies, but who can argue with the glittering generality of “promoting prosperity?”

Media propagandists engage your emotions by gamifying the pandemic so that you are too fired up over your governor losing (having more COVID cases than competing governors) to ask yourself why you should care about nothing other than COVID.

“Stay safe” is a very common glittering generality created by government propagandists. Who can argue against ‘staying safe?’ How would you like your mom to not be “safe”? This heart-warming expression really means to avoid people as much as you can. Social neglect is anything but safe. It creates serious mental and physical disintegration. Considering such, it is safest to have frequent in-person contact with others, even if it means a one-time week off work sick with the Wuhan virus.

Some Covidist glittering generalities revolve around how saving lives is more the most important consideration of public policy. “Lives are more important than jobs,” is one of these, as is “Saving lives comes before protecting freedoms.” These generalities make it sound like it is a given that COVID restrictions save lives, which they don’t. Thus, they don’t even apply to the entire COVID situation. Everyone places a high value on saving lives, which is precisely why social distancing must stop. Distancing decreases life expectancy by profoundly affecting socio-economic determinants of health. Coronavirus is too benign to affect overall life expectancy no matter how many people are affected.

Other glittering generalities thrown around by clever elitists include “stop the spread” and “flatten the curve.” Both of these expressions seem rosy on the surface but really mean to practice social neglect, which is terribly harmful and dangerous. Do your community a favor and make it a habit to tell people to “stop the spread of loneliness” and “stay in the safety of your friends, family, and congregation.”

The COVID Game

The news media invented a new game in 2020 we’ll call The COVID Game. In this game, governor is pitted against governor and head of state against head of state to see who has the lowest daily and cumulative COVID-19 cases and deaths. Watching CNN today is no different from watching ESPN. In either channel, the banter is all about the day’s numbers — how did the Chicago Bulls score against the L.A. Lakers? How did the Illinois governor score compared to the California governor regarding the day’s COVID cases?

The COVID Game pressures politicians to set policy based exclusively upon COVID cases and on appearing to be ‘doing more’ than other governors or heads of state to decrease cases. It has been incredibly effective in influencing policy, but it is also intended to directly influence the public. By focusing our attention on the ball (COVID cases), the news media takes our attention away from the bigger picture (comprehensive societal destruction by the pandemic restrictions).

Consider this: when have you watched a sports game and thought to yourself ‘What does it really matter who wins this game when you actually stop and think about it?’ Probably never or almost never — you are too wrapped up in the excitement of the game to stop and think about why you care who wins in the first place. The COVID Game works similarly. Media propagandists engage your emotions by gamifying the pandemic so that you are too fired up over your governor losing (having more COVID cases than competing governors) to ask yourself why should you care about nothing other than COVID. Your emotions overcome your intellect. 

COVID statistics are fraudulent, so there is no point in paying any attention to them, yet alone turning them into a game. COVID tests are approximately 90% false positives and anyone who dies within a month after a positive test is listed as having died from SARS-CoV-2 even if it was not their cause of death. Ignore the media’s COVID Game. Look at the studies that show pandemic measures don’t decrease COVID but do destroy lives and kill.

The Full Hospital Hoax

A common justification for lockdowns, at least at the end of 2020 has been, has been full hospitals. Many hospitals have experienced some strain from COVID patients, but the scale has been wildly overblown. For the most part, hospital bed utilization in late 2020 is on par with normal seasonal levels. Ontario, Canada’s premier, Doug Ford, plunged the province into a strict lockdown at the end of 2020, citing overflowing hospitals. In reality, Ontario averages only one COVID patient per hospital (March 2021). Moreover, most of the supposed “COVID hospitalizations” are people who are not in the hospital due to COVID but have had a false positive result following the mandatory COVID admissions testing — ‘COVID patients’ are not really COVID patients! Still, hospital patients with a real SARS-CoV-2 infection usually have not been admitted for that reason. 80% of the time they acquired it from being in the hospital!

In September 2021, the full hospitals of Alberta due to COVID patients was national news. However, there is only an average of 2 COVID patients per hospital in the province’s ICU’s. The province’s healthcare woes stem from the thousands of workers who have left the industry due to a vaccine mandate. 

Boris Johnson threw England into lockdown again in December 2020. The British government and media cry about a crisis of hospitals bursting with COVID patients. Look at this article from The Standard alerting Britain about hospitals being almost 90% full. They left out the minor detail that British hospitals are usually 90% full at that time of year, making them somewhat below average winter capacity at the time of the article. 

There is a serious crisis going on in hospitals around the world that must be addressed, however. In an effort to make hospitals and intensive care units appear overburdened, many state governments have taken over control of patient care from doctors with dire results. First, it was ventilators that were used on COVID patients that ended up killing them rather than saving them. Now COVID and non-COVID patients alike are kept far longer than necessary in hospitals so our rulers can claim we need to lock down due to full hospitals. Often patients are put in the ICU that should not be there — either because they are not sick enough, or because they are dying and would be treated palliatively in normal circumstances. 

Doctors and hospital employees are afraid to expose the hoax for fear of termination. For instance, a doctor in an Ontario hospital was fired for speaking publicly about the unethical hospital actions. The hospital told him that they were warned by the Ontario government that the hospital would lose its funding if they didn’t keep secret what was happening. Please read more in this expose of Ontario hospitals.

There is more to the COVID hospital scam than the full hospital hoax. Propagandists also promote the myth that hospital capacity is fixed, or at least never bring up the topic. Hospital capacity is not fixed. Hospital beds per 1000 people vary widely even among countries of similar wealth. The figure has also decreased in the past few decades. For instance, Japan has 13.0 beds/1000 people while Canada and Britain have only 2.5. Dutch hospitals are usually 65% full compared to 91% in Canada and 94.9% in Ireland. Beds per population have decreased over the years — England has less than half the hospital beds it had in 1988 while its population has grown. 

Hospital capacity has been an issue in rich countries for decades. Healthcare capacity in general can be appalling. In Canada, for instance, it is common to wait over a year for the initial consultation with a specialist and two years to have an operation. compiled an extensive list of news articles about full hospitals in Canada for the ten years prior to the pandemic.

Until coronavirus, no one ever suggested the unthinkable measure of preventing human interaction to open up healthcare capacity. Smoking kills half a million Americans a year, but when have you heard someone suggest cigarettes be banned, yet alone smokers incarcerated at home so they can’t buy cigarettes? The answer for high hospital patients loads from COVID or any other reason is to increase capacity. 

Most hospitals currently under stress have a personnel problem, not a bed problem. In the UK, for instance, there are tens of thousands of hospital workers forced to stay home at any given time because they had a (probably false) positive PCR test or were around someone who *may* have a (probably asymptomatic) SARS-CoV-2 infection. It is the hospitals’ own fault for having reduced capacity due to forcing healthy workers to stay home. 

Much of the reporting of full hospitals is fraudulent. Take the British child COVID epidemic hoax: In early January 2021, the UK media had a field day about hospitals overflowing with children ill with COVID, sparking terror throughout the nation. Only a couple of days later, the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health contested the story, saying that there were no more children with COVID in hospitals than usual. News agencies quietly retracted their discredited story. 

The “pandemic of the vaccinated” is also a hoax, as is the claim that 99% of COVID hospitalizations are among the unvaccinated. By the fall of 2021, many hospital workers have attested that most of the COVID admissions they are seeing are people injured from the vaccine. Around the world, patients are labelled as “unvaccinated” if they have not passed two weeks after their second dose. Most adverse reactions happen within those two weeks! Patients with only one dose are also labelled “unvaccinated.” It is the same with COVID deaths — they are labelled as “unvaccinated” in the case of only one shot or if it has been less than two weeks after the second shot. Death rates are approximately 60 times higher the first 2 days after a COVID pseudo-vaccine injection and remain significantly elevated for another three weeks.

A story appears to be true. It is widely accepted as true. It becomes a heresy to suggest that it is not true – even if it is riddled with falsehood, distortion and propaganda.
Nick Daves, Flat Earth News: An Award-Winning Reporter Exposes Falsehood, Distortion and Propaganda in the Global Media

Lawyer Anthony Renz on the full hospital conspiracy.

Masks As Propaganda

Masks recommendations and mandates are based in politics. For the first half of 2020, most governments advised against them, saying they will likely increase contagion. Mid-way through the year, our wonderful governments realized the importance of masks to the indoctrination process and started recommending them. In early 2021, it is actually illegal to walk down the street without a mask in many places! 

Mask-wearing is bad for health. The government of Sweden has always advised against their use. Some cities in Sweden even banned wearing masks. A study of 25,000 children across Germany found that mask-wearing caused widespread health consequences including decreased wellbeing, interference with breathing, lower concentration, and fatigue. A large Danish study concluded that they don’t decrease COVID contagion.

While face-covering is bad for our health, it does serve a number of functions for state indoctrination. Identity destruction is a progressive process. People will not bow to a totalitarian right away. They need to be progressively conditioned to surrender to her. Mask-wearing is an important part of this process. It is one more step along the indoctrination path towards accepting our politicians as spiritual masters. 

Wearing a mask shows submission to authority, similar to the Qing Dynasty in China forcing Han Chinese men to have a ‘queue’ haircut (shaved head with ponytail in the back). For instance, in early 2021, the media is now promoting wearing 3 or 4 masks one on top of each other. A few months ago, that would have seemed implausible to propose, but after months of single-masking, the media could see that the sheeple were ready for the next step of domination.

Masks also serve as a constant reminder of our subjugation. Seeing people’s faces covered everywhere makes it impossible to forget that we are subjects of our rulers, not free men and women. Constantly seeing masked faces encourages our brains to accept our new reality as slaves by making the domination seem normal. It is also a powerful form of influence through social proof and social pressure. Seeing most people do something is a very strong motivator to do it yourself. Mask hold-outs often find themselves covering their faces simply because they feel self-conscious being the only one around bare-faced. Mask-wearing is free propaganda for the government. 

By heaping shame on people whose behavior they disagree with, the media is showing that they are the authority of morality, rightful police of social norms.

Masks also tear apart the social fabric by inciting negative feelings among neighbors. Mask-slaves hate on the naked-faced while the naked-faced resent the weakness and condescension of the mask-slaves. Neighbor turns against neighbor, just as Xi Jinping wanted. Speaking of China, masks also serve to make it easy to identify those who are resisting the tyranny — another purpose that masks have in common with the Qing Dynasty queue hairstyle.

Shaming and Humiliating

The weapon of shaming is as powerful as any other. It is hard to exaggerate how hard it is to contend with strong feelings of shame and embarrassment. They are enough to destroy a person. Shame and humiliation certainly deter behavior like nothing else. The media shames people for not following pandemic restrictions. A newspaper will publish a photo of friends hanging out in violation of a lockdown order. A church open against a lockdown order will be visited by a reporter with a camera yelling at them for spreading a deadly disease. Merely being outside without a mask is enough to get your photo in the paper along with insulting names and accusations of endangering people’s lives. Very often, if not most of the time, television news reporters yell at their targets and intentionally provoke them until they lose their temper so as to portray the targets as stupid, irrational, crazy… you get the picture. Nothing gets ratings like stirring up drama.

By mercilessly shaming, humiliating, and insulting people who are not socially distancing, the news media has captured all of society within their grip. People are absolutely terrified of being the next ‘COVIDIOT’ on television. Being outed as a dissident who is resisting his enslavement can cause a lot of harm to someone’s life. He can lose out on job opportunities, be bullied, etc. A business portrayed in the news for not obeying a lockdown order could mean it will go out of business from the backlash.

The shame game was started by the media, but everyone seems to have joined in. If you resist the masochistic demands of your rulers, you risk being shamed by your own coworkers, friends, and family, even to the point of being ostracised and your career destroyed. 

Shaming doesn’t only effectively control behavior. It also influences beliefs and values. By heaping shame on people whose behavior they disagree with, the media is showing that they are the authority of morality, rightful police of social norms. After all, who but a genuine moral authority is in a position to decide what is rightful behavior? There is also the cognitive bias that the universe rewards moral behavior and punishes unethical behavior. How often have you heard someone say that someone shouldn’t have done something because he suffered a consequence from it? Simply by seeing that people suffer a consequence from not distancing, whether through shame or another reason, people reason that distancing must be immoral.

For the propagandists at the top of the lockdown conspiracy, shame has an even deeper function. Shame is such a strong force that, in combination with other COVID messaging, it leads people to believe that they are worthless. Consistent messaging from our governments and news media has told us that our wellbeing is irrelevant and our sole worth is to not spread SARS-CoV-2. The universal need to get about, work, and be near others now fills us with deep shame, as it involves “endangering lives,” as we’re told. Filled with guilt for wanting to live normally and shame for not isolating as much as we could have been, people now feel so worthless that they have lost the drive to stand up for themselves. Breaking down self-worth is a practice often used by cult leaders. People devoid of self-esteem are easy to lead astray. They will do whatever you say in order to receive approval so that they can feel like they have some worth.

Personal Slander

Anyone speaking out against the mainstream anti-rights narrative is at risk for being defamed. Even academics and scientists, normally off-limits for ad hominem attacks, have been targeted. The media has been vicious in slandering anyone who stands up for human rights or tries exposing widespread government fraud. They frequently lie about things said by their targets. They call them anything that they feel is derogatory, such as right-wing or racist. Often, they can find something questionable that their targets have stated to make it seem like if they were wrong once, they must always be wrong. Corruption is also frequently alleged without evidence.

As long as he is made to look bad in some way, people will ignore his views and think him a fool. 

Politicians have used every trick in their rhetorical bags to portray anyone who criticizes their venture into totalitarianism as a traitor. They claim that their denial of rights are undeniably necessary for “public health,” thus any opposition to them is an act of treason. They deliberately construct their rhetoric so that people conflate ‘government’ with ‘residents of the country.’ For instance, rights activists are now called “enemies of the state,” so as to make people think that they are “enemies of the residents of the country,” when they are, in truth, ‘critics of corrupt politicians.’ Anti-lockdown activists are anything but opponents of their government. They revere their government so much that they are trying to rid it of corruption and guide its return to democracy. 

Defamation serves many functions to the propagandist. If the target is made to look bad, people will stop listening to her no matter how strong her arguments. The target doesn’t even need to be scientifically discredited. As long as he is made to look bad in some way, people will ignore his views and think him a fool. The defamation often causes secondary effects such as bullying, social rejection, and career suppression. It also causes considerable stress for the target, often to the point of persuading him to cease his advocacy activities. 

Personal attacks on people exposing the truth is a powerful deterrent. It is the reason why so few influential people have come out against lockdowns. They are too afraid of being the media’s next target. This is just as true for organizations. Very few ‘human rights’ groups have opposed lockdowns, in part out of the fear of being defamed themselves and losing donors. Please don’t let defamation deter you from opposing lockdowns. It will happen, yes, but in due course, you will be recognized for your sacrifice and the perpetrators of pandemic restrictions will be held to account. 

Law is the Highest Authority

People conflate the law with morality constantly. Many laws are moral, but there are many laws that are immoral to follow. There are also countless immoral acts that are legal. Laws and morals are not the same thing. Unfortunately, most people think that they are virtually one and the same. How often have you heard someone offer a moral argument purely on the basis of the law? ‘Breaking the law’ is considered akin to ‘committing a highly immoral act.’ 

The very existence of laws supposedly in existence to mitigate COVID-19 persuades people into thinking that it must be immoral not to follow them. For instance, someone who didn’t think mask-wearing was important when it was only recommended by her government is inclined to think that masks are extremely important to wear — and in fact, immoral not to wear — once mask-wearing has been made law in her state. People have very high regard for their lawmakers and thus reason that any act that is illegal must also be immoral. 

Continuing with this line of thinking, people tend to think that something is more immoral the worse it’s the legal punishment. For example, if there is a small fine for a violation, people won’t think the act is as immoral as if it carries a large fine. In early 2021, the German government has started putting people in detention camps for not submitting to social distancing laws. Britain’s government is discussing 10 year prison sentences for people not socially distancing. These severe criminal punishments will undoubtedly make people think that being around others is a heinous act. 

Morally speaking, people should act solely according to morals. Laws are one form of social influence on behavior that interferes with ethical living. They have little to do with ethics. Laws exist to give politicians and the ruling class power. Don’t let the fact that social interaction is illegal where you live affect how you assess its moral validity. Social distancing is a cruel and immoral act. It obliterates mental health and deprives yourself and others of multiple basic needs. No matter what laws our rulers pass, distancing will always be sinful.