Governments and news agencies around the world have used the coronavirus pandemic to increase their power and control over the public. No tactic, no matter how cruel or unconstitutional, has proven off limits in their quest to make the public helplessly dependent on them. In so doing, they have committed psychological torture on a scale never before witnessed in the world. These men and women of power know that people would not accept the totalitarian role of the media and government had they full use of their mental faculties and full control over their lives. They therefore engineered a form of terror onto society that they knew would secure for themselves powers hitherto thought impossible in the modern world.

Strong citizens leading fulfilling lives are not easy to dominate. Elites understand that people will not submit to them unless they have had their lives, and even their minds, broken down. Nothing less than annihilation of life and mind would be required to accomplish their vision of domination so that their victims will not even realize what is going on and hail their tormentors as heroes. This report will exam the methods that politicians and journalists have used to commit collective torture in order to acquire complete power over the public. It will show that they are using the very same methods that have been used to torture and indoctrinate detainees of armed conflicts and are considered torture in international law.


Only people in fields designated as ‘essential’ by government have been allowed to work during the lockdown. Many people, even in the richest countries, have not been able to get government assistance, or the assistance has been insufficient to meet their needs. Needless to say, in less affluent countries, governments don’t have the resources to offer any financial assistance.

In regions not in a strict lockdown, many employers have been forced to lay off much of their labor force or even close down, because social distancing has severely depressed demand.

Most people need money to eat. Even subsistence farmers often need to buy seeds, fertilizer, diesel, etc. Without an income, people go hungry. Hunger has been rampant throughout the world because of social distancing. The ‘coronavirus response’ has even shut down farms, food markets, and food distribution systems in the developing world, making groceries an increasingly hard-to-acquire commodity even for people who can afford them.

The UN estimates that lockdowns have doubled the number of people at risk of starving to death to 265 million. But these figures only represent those at risk of dying from lack of food. Lockdowns’ hunger toll includes everyone who is now eating less than they need to fill their stomachs, a figure possibly in the billions.

Food deprivation is commonly used to torture detainees. Captors routinely give their victims just enough food to keep them alive, so they are physically and mentally weakened for interrogation. The sensation of hunger itself may be all the motivation needed to comply with the interrogators. An adequate amount of food is one of the most basic human needs. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 25, recognizes that everyone has the right to an adequate standard of living, including sufficient food. By preventing people from earning an income, the perpetrators of lockdowns are knowingly causing many people to endure the agony of hunger.

Some victims receive an insufficient amount of food over long periods of time. At times prisoners are given no food at all for days. Some victims have developed hunger oedemas; others starved down to their skeletons and were too weak to stand upright.
Torture Methods in the People’s Republic of China, International Society for Human Rights


Hospitals and clinics around the world have been closed off to all but emergencies and COVID-19 in 2020. Elective surgery was halted. Diagnostic testing and routine screening for cancer and other diseases stopped. Hospitals were intentionally kept empty for the flood of COVID cases that never came.

To some people who have been affected by their own government refusing to provide healthcare, they have had to deal with modest symptoms of their illness or injury. For others, healthcare refusal has meant living with severe symptoms. Excruciating pain, shortness of breath, severe psychiatric disorders, immobility — the consequences of healthcare denial are serious. For governments to actually stop healthcare providers from providing many of their services is criminal. It is conceptually no different than if members of government physically assaulted healthy people, causing them pain and disability.

POW camps are typically run by governments who have the resources to provide healthcare. However, detainees are often strategically denied medical attention in the effort to inflict suffering and break them mentally. Before the coronavirus outbreak, it would have been an unthinkable act for any government to intentionally deprive their own citizens of healthcare. It is only because of the mind control techniques used by media and government that people today do not recognize this as unfathomably cruel.

We condemn the torture of Assange. We condemn the denial of his fundamental right to appropriate health care. We condemn the climate of fear surrounding the provision of health care to him. We condemn the violations of his right to doctor–patient confidentiality. Politics cannot be allowed to interfere with the right to health and the practice of medicine.
Doctors For Assange, The Lancet, 2020


News media has played up the severity of SARS-CoV-2 since the outbreak began in Wuhan, China. From the beginning, they have sensationalized coronavirus and made it out to be much more dangerous than it is. This previously-trusted institution has exaggerated the severity of the resulting illness and the rate of death from this novel virus.

At the same time, they ignore the progress made in treating COVID-19. It is a campaign of maximizing fear and it has been extremely successful. Due to the media’s deceptive tactics and emotional signaling, people vastly overestimate the danger posed by the virus, even to the point of avoiding medical attention during an emergency such as a heart attack or stroke.

Beyond instilling as much fear as possible regarding the present pandemic situation, the media is constantly scaring the public that the pandemic is on the verge of becoming catastrophically worse. Many people had a phobia of germs before the coronavirus pandemic. The media exploit this to stoke the existing phobia and spread it in as many people as possible.

Seeing the futility of dampening the hysteria, politicians have regrettably chosen to go along with it and use it to raise their status. They use the same panic-incitation tactics as the media. Politicians grossly exaggerate the risks from the virus and hide the catastrophic consequences of lockdowns. The greater the enemy, the greater the hero.

Fear is a powerful weapon used in torture. It is a fundamental part of the torture process used on detainees. Interrogators instill fear in their detainees of future abuses that may not happen (such as threats of execution), continuation of current painful practices, or play upon phobias. For instance, aggressive dogs have effectively been used to scare Muslim detainees for whom a fear of dogs is part of their culture. Interrogators will often search for a personal phobia of a detainee to use against him (eg. filling a cell with pests).

Much of the fear instilled in lockdown victims comes from the lockdown itself. Social isolation and financial devastation has taken a huge psychological toll on people. Even people who avoid watching the news and press conferences have tremendous fear for no one knows when the oppressive restrictions will end.

Finally, there is the fear of speaking out against the human rights violations. People see politicians and journalists degrade, humiliate, and frequently, arrest anyone who questions the necessity of the pandemic restrictions. Many people know the restrictions are immoral but they are afraid to oppose them for fear of retaliation.

Perhaps the most rudimentary method of psychological torture is the deliberate and purposeful infliction of fear.
Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Report, 2020
Method 14: Exploitation of phobias. Behan’s model of torture methods
Pau Perez-Sales, Psychological Torture: Definition, evaluation and measurement, 2017
In order to tame people into the desired pattern, victims must be brought to a point where they have lost their alert consciousness and mental awareness. Freedom of discussion and free intellectual exchange hinder conditioning. Feelings of terror, feelings of fear and hopelessness, of being alone, of standing with one’s back to the wall, must be instilled.
Joost Meerloo, Rape of the Mind, 1956


The cruelest form of torture inflicted on the public since the coronavirus outbreak is probably the intense social isolation. Lockdowns prevent people from associating with those outside their residence. Social distancing rules prevent people from meeting anyone new and severely limit the number of people with whom you are allowed to come in contact.

Since the advent of smartphones, texting has become the default form of communication. Few people these days talk to their friends on the phone, making it difficult to break convention and call your friends while at home to keep in touch.

Out of touch with friends, families, peers, and coworkers, loneliness has reached unbearable levels, especially for the young. With social distancing orders and norms in place, people without a romantic partner and close friends are now trapped, literally unable to meet anyone without breaking the law and facing the scorn of others. People who have relied on workplace interaction as their primary means of socialization have either been put out of work or are forced to stay away from their own work friends while at work. Mask-wearing significantly diminishes the richness of in-face interaction, hiding much facial communication previously relied upon to relay information or express emotions.

The agony of social isolation varies widely person to person and community to community. Studies show that people under 25, the unemployed, and those living alone have been the most affected. A CDC study revealed that a quarter of young adults have seriously considered suicide. In-person human contact is a basic necessity for wellbeing. Acute deprivation is torture in the most literally form.
Lockdowners like to point out that people can communicate via video conference while at home, but this is not feasible for many people. It requires a pre-lockdown relationship dynamic that would lend itself to such a form of communication. For instance, if your pre-pandemic friendships were centered on playing in a soccer club, you may not even have your soccer friends’ contact information, let alone have any idea how to relate to them off the field.

Lack of stimulation is another serious psychological consequence of social distancing. Unable to undertake the activities that you enjoyed and contributed to your personality pre-lockdown, depression and identity-destruction are almost inevitable. Lockdowns cause intense suffering by preventing human contact and control over one’s activities.

The isolation effects of lockdowns are worse for people who lack access to television, internet, and electricity at home. 3.5 billion people have no internet access, making sheltering at home more boring and lonely. A billion people have no electricity at home at all. Can you imagine how terrible it must be for someone isolating at home alone with no electricity or phone? Millions of people in the world are living that hell everyday because of pandemic restrictions or voluntary isolation due to overestimating the threat of coronavirus.

Solitary confinement and social isolation of detainees are among the most common techniques to be identified as psychological torture. A standard practice used in detainee camps is to keep a new detainee in solitary confinement for four to six weeks. Inevitably, the detainee has mentally deteriorated by that time and is greatly weakened prior to interrogation.

It is important to recognize that the isolation of lockdown victims is in many ways worse than that of inmates in solitary confinement in a prison or detention camp. Prisoners in solitary confinement have up to two hours a day in which to socialize with other inmates. That is two hours more than people on lockdown who live alone. Prisoners are also regularly monitored by doctors and psychologists, who frequently possess the authority to order the solitary confinement to end if it is not being well tolerated, such as in the case of severe anxiety or somatic symptoms.

No healthcare professional does weekly house visits to people confined at home in a lockdown. No matter how great the mental or physical disintegration of lockdown victims, they can never be released from the cruel and inhuman treatment. Politicians absolve themselves of responsibility by asserting that all suffering resulting from pandemic restrictions is self-created; it arises only from lack of patriotism and faith in their wisdom.

There have been many studies on the effects of prisoners or detainees who are deprived of frequent human contact. Depression, anxiety, hallucinations, anger, confusion, PTSD, and other serious psychological sequelae have been identified as common outcomes of detainees and form the basis for social deprivation being regarded as psychological torture. Many psychologists, therefore, have called for solitary confinement of prisoners to be banned, even for those convicted of serious crimes. It is unconscionable to subject an entire population to the torture of  abject social deprivation of any duration for any reason.

More recently, the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) has stated that solitary confinement ‘‘can have very harmful consequences for the person concerned … [It] can, in certain circumstances, amount to inhuman and degrading treatment; in any event, all forms of solitary confinement should be as short as possible.’’
Dr. Hernia Reyes, The Worst Scars are in the Mind: Psychological Torture
In 2011, the Special Rapporteur, Mendez stated that after 15 days of solitary confinement, it is considered ‘prolonged solitary confinement’ which itself can be considered ill-treatment, or even torture.
Pau Perez-Sales, Psychological Torture: Definition, evaluation and measurement, 2017
Rule 44 For the purpose of these rules, solitary confinement shall refer to the confinement of prisoners for 22 hours or more a day without meaningful human contact. Prolonged solitary confinement shall refer to solitary confinement for a time period in excess of 15 consecutive days.

Rule 45 1. Solitary confinement shall be used only in exceptional cases as a last resort, for as short a time as possible and subject to independent review, and only pursuant to the authorization by a competent authority. It shall not be imposed by virtue of a prisoner’s sentence.

United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Treatment of Prisoners (“the Nelson Mandela rules”)
U.S. State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: “The most frequently alleged methods of torture include sleep deprivation… and extended solitary confinement.” (CRHRP 2001, Jordan 1.c)
Almerindo E. Ojeda, What is Psychological Torture?
Solitary confinement is not, in and of itself, a form of torture. However, in view of its strictness, its duration, and the object pursued, solitary confinement could cause great physical or mental suffering of the sort envisaged by this offence. To the extent that the confinement of the victim can be shown to pursue one of the prohibited purposes of torture and to have caused the victim severe pain or suffering, the act of putting or keeping someone in solitary confinement may amount to torture. The same is true of the deliberate deprivation of sufficient food.
International Criminal Tribunal of the former Yugoslavia


Humiliation is a highly effective strategy for influencing behavior. No one wants to be embarrassed to even a few individuals in a room, yet alone to thousands of readers of a newspaper. Politicians and journalists have had wild success in squashing dissent of their abuse on society during the pandemic using this potent tool.

The power of humiliation comes from the deep negative emotions that arise from being degraded. The emotion of humiliation is as strong as any other negative emotion. It is no exaggeration to say that people try to avoid humiliation more than any other negative outcome. In a study of Guantanamo detainees who underwent torture, 10% stated that the worst experience of all was being forced to stand naked in front of their captors — worse than the beatings, painful positions, waterboarding, etc. The psychological pain of humiliation is indeed profound. Consistently humiliate people for a certain behavior and soon everyone will avoid it.

Witnessing the mistreatment of dissenters on television, people are deterred from saying anything against the restrictions even to their own friends, yet alone attend a rally.

The social poor — people lacking in friendships, romance, or general human interaction — have been the hardest hit by social distancing laws. Not having an existing social circle or romantic partner to associate with, they are now completely shut out of society. They must endure not only the isolation, but also the degradation and embarrassment of being a part of a new underclass. Many of these people had adequate relationships before the lockdown but the conditions and stresses of lockdown broke their existing ties. For instance, many apartment buildings have banned visitors, and most venues in which people used to come in contact with others, have remained closed even while not in lockdown. For this new demographic, the humiliation of being left out of a semi-open strictly tiered society with no way to help themselves can have serious psychological consequences. It is certainly a form of torture.

The media loves to humiliate anyone not submitting to social distancing laws or norms, accusing them of risking people’s lives on the chance that they may have a coronavirus infection and not know it. Journalists have discarded all professionalism and refer to anyone who comes near another person as a COVIDIOT. Ironically, they have personnel on the streets everyday approaching people for not distancing or for other types of stories. If being around others is immoral, no one is more guilty than the media. Wearing a mask and maintaining a 2 meter distance do not stop contagion. It is shameful to see what used to be a well-respected field degenerate into such predatory behavior.

The consistency and severity with which the media attacks non-distancers is truly astonishing. Protesters against social distancing are the primary target for journalistic scorn. Anyone attending a rally promoting human rights is referred to as everything that the reporter thinks is degrading or humiliating like dangerous, crazy, conspiracy theorists, racist, or even Nazi. If a human rights activist is interviewed, it is only to yell at her and make her look as bad as possible to make an example for others.

Another prime target of the media’s public humiliation abuse are firms that are not following distancing rules. Restaurants, bars, churches, schools… anywhere that is open after having been ordered to close gets a prompt visit from a bully with a camera. “Who do you think you are violating public health orders?” cry the reporters. “You’re endangering the entire community!” They yell and provoke their targets in order to get an irate response and show the public that only crazy people break the rules. In reality, non-distancers are not a danger to anyone. It is the media that is terrorizing literally the entire community by publicly humiliating innocent people, leaving the community petrified that they will be the next target.

Witnessing the mistreatment of dissenters on television, people are deterred from saying anything against the restrictions even to their own friends, yet alone attend a rally. The threat of humiliation keeps everyone silent.

Humiliation has long-lasting and devastating effects when used in the context of torture; some even deem its effects to be more important than the effects of physical torture.
Pau Perez-Sales, Psychological Torture: Definition, evaluation and measurement, 2017
U.S. State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: “Common methods of torture include… prolonged isolation… denial of food or sleep… and public humiliation.” (CRHRP 2001, Pakistan 1.c)
Almerindo E. Ojeda, What is Psychological Torture?
The many devices the enemy makes use of include: intimidating suggestion, dramatic persuasion, mass suggestion, humiliation, embarrassment, loneliness and isolation, continued interrogation, over-burdening the unsteady mind, arousing more and more self-pity. Patience and time help the inquisitor to soften a stubborn soul. Just as in many old religions the victims were humbled and humiliated in order to prepare for the new religion, so, in this case, they are prepared to accept the totalitarian ideology
Joost Meerloo, Rape of the Mind, 1956

Shaming and Guilt Tripping

Attaching shame and guilt to a behavior or desire is another powerful method of behavior modification. These are deep emotions which can have profound and lasting effects on an individual. Religions have effectively used shame and guilt to control a large population with a very small priest class for thousands of years.

The fallen institutions of news media and government are now similarly using these psychological weapons to torment and dominate an entire population.

Humiliation, shame, and guilt are related but distinct. Humiliation is the intense emotion of having been revealed to be inadequate in the eyes of others. Shame is more personal. It means that you personally feel that you are inadequate in a significant way. Guilt is the negative feeling that you have done something wrong, if only in your mind. All three of these emotions affect wellbeing considerably.

Inducing shame in people for not distancing begins with the media outlets. Everyday on television, radio, and in newspapers, social distancing propaganda is being promulgated. Journalists, ‘experts,’ and politicians continually praise people for putting their lives and businesses on hold and severely slander anyone who is going about life normally and providing others with good company or a commercial service. Obviously, everyone wants to live as they please and not hide their faces or hide at home. Therefore, nearly everyone, whether they are distancing or not, will experience shame and guilt for actual or desired social contact.

Shame has become a major feature of society since lockdowns began. Western countries used to have a relatively shame-free culture. It was socially permissible to live however you wanted as long as you weren’t hurting anyone. Those days are over. Elites have infused shame into all aspects of life — working, hanging out with friends, attending a church service — anything that involves being near other human beings. The list of shame-eliciting activities keeps growing and growing. As of December 2020, mask-wearing has become ingrained either in law or social norms such that people are now shamed for ever showing their faces in public!

The shame incited by politicians and journalists is not limited to distancing and face-covering. Perhaps most disturbingly, it extends to discussions about these activities. Today, people are shamed not only for not participating in these unethical practices, but even for questioning their validity. The evidence is clear: distancing causes extreme suffering and early death. What has come to society when people are bullied and shamed for advocating for health and wellbeing?

Guilt-tripping and shaming people for not distancing is unfortunately not limited to public messaging. Worse than Mao Zedong recruiting students to enforce his Cultural Revolution in the 1960s and 70s, the entire public is presently encharged with shaming, reporting, and enforcing unconstitutional restrictions on behavior. People are regularly confronted, reported to this police, yelled at, and bullied for not keeping a 2 meter distance from others or being around more than the mandated limit of people.

Guilt and shame can be the stickiest of emotional disturbances. Anger, frustration, sadness, and many other negative emotions are comparatively more ephemeral in nature. However, negative feelings directed at oneself can last a lifetime. They can be very difficult to overcome. I believe that lockdowns will be exposed for the evil that they are within a few years, and people will be relieved of the shame they felt for wanting to be free. From then on, it will be lockdowners who will have to live with the guilt of what they did to their fellow citizens.

Torture creates environments that foster permanent feelings of humiliation, with the ultimate goal of creating shame, breaking self-worth, destroying willpower and obtaining submission. Torture is not always about pain… Torture techniques are acts that include humiliation and guilt as their keystones, with the ultimate aim of producing permanent feelings of shame.
Pau Perez-Sales, Psychological Torture: Definition, evaluation and measurement, 2017


Low self-esteem, a negative self-image, and lack of loving oneself are limiting factors on wellbeing. Many people have feelings of low self-worth, even those who appear to have it all. Children, youth, and young adults, in particular, have issues in this area. It is a little talked-about but highly influential factor of wellbeing.

How many times have you gotten to know people who seemed really happy and discovered that they are deeply troubled due to negative feelings about themselves?

The constant objectification by the media and government has persuaded us that we have nothing to offer society but our withdrawal from it.

Public messaging during the pandemic is based upon the objectification of the person. Our elected politicians tell us that the best we can do with our lives is to avoid spreading coronavirus. They do not acknowledge the value of personal freedom, happiness, or even health (except for being COVID-free). To boot, they don’t even care about the spread of any other infectious disease, as can be seen by the cancellation of childhood vaccination programs! To politicians, and all preachers of social distancing, people are nothing more than objects capable of transmitting coronavirus. Politicians’ absolute denial of all human needs — human company, healthcare, employment, education, freedom, etc., stands as testament to this.

Relegation of people to mere coronavirus-transmitting objects has had tangible psychological consequences. The systematic dehumanization campaign has been highly effective. Listen to people talk these days. They feel that their only worth is in avoiding spreading coronavirus. Everyone is drinking the self-denial is patriotism Kool-Aid.

Our entire society now suffers from collective low self-worth. We have literally been brainwashed into believing that the happiness and health of ourselves and others does not matter. The constant objectification by the media and government has persuaded us that we have nothing to offer society but our withdrawal from it. No longer do we recognize our intrinsic value (that of our personal happiness and flourishing), or the good company or hard work that we previously took pride in providing our fellow citizens.

Elites have pulled a ruinous scam on society. They have convinced us that we are worthless objects, good only for not transmitting SARS-CoV-2. It can be likened to detainees who have had all of their human needs denied and are treated like their only worth is to provide information. The actions of journalists and politicians have done tremendous harm to people psychologically, destroying individuals’ sense of self-worth and confidence that they are valued and useful to others.

The aim of torture is to destroy the individual’s will, to break the individual down and obliterate sense of autonomy and agency, thus turning that individual into a shell of a person who lacks the will to resist, or even to be human in the sense that being human requires personal agency.
Terry A. Kupers, Prison and the Decimation of Pro-Social Life Skills
Torture shall be understood to be the use of methods upon a person intended to obliterate the personality of the victim of diminish his physical or mental capacities, even if they do not cause physical pain or mental anguish.
Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture, Article 2


In any form of interpersonal abuse, it is common for the abuser to tell their victims that they deserve the harsh treatment and have only themselves to blame. The victims have to contend with feelings of responsibility for their own mistreatment on top of the suffering they experience directly from the abuse.

Like a schoolyard bully, our governments and news media continually tell the public that it is their own fault that they have their freedoms restricted. If only we had isolated ourselves even more intensely in the past, these bullies tell us, coronavirus would have been eradicated already and we could live normally. The coronavirus pandemic and the restrictions on our liberties are totally our own fault, so we can’t complain about either.

The justification has received broad acceptance. One often hears people say that the restrictions exist only because people have not been following the restrictions strictly enough in the past. People place the blame for the restrictions on the public for having had too much human contact, often including themselves personally. The government evades responsibility for the very existence of lockdowns, let alone the harms of the lockdowns, and people are burdened with guilt and shame for their own victimization.

Attacks on Values

Torture often includes an assault on the personal, cultural, or religious values of detainees. Captors find out what a detainee values and use the information against him. They ridicule detainees’ most cherished beliefs and force them to denounce or defy them. The torturers recognize that attacks on values cause piercing anguish and mental disintegration in detainees.

Our political and journalistic pro-lockdown torturers are no exception.

Lockdowns are an assault on nearly every value of Western society: self-determination, freedom of association, family relations, independent thought, fulfillment of personality, education, financial independence, and religious participation. The public messaging shames people for even wanting these things. To be a moral person, we are told, is to value nothing except coronavirus mitigation. Lockdowns take away everything we love; everything that we cherish and hold dear. They are an eradication of everything that forms our worldly and mental identity.

Having been stripped of all that we value, we are left desperate, confused, powerless, and without identity.

With social distancing, no one can live as they choose or associate with whom they please. Many of us are prevented from working and have become completely dependent on government handouts. Schools are closed, so our children can’t receive a proper education. Churches, mosques, and synagogues are also closed by government order.

Having been stripped of all that we value, we are left desperate, confused, powerless, and without identity. This is by intention. It is the ideal state in which to receive orders from our rulers — a blank cup for power holders to fill as they wish. It is also a state of intense anguish and despair. A state of profound loss of ourselves.

[According to Crampton and Rodley] methods that target the core values and principles of detainee qualify as provoking ‘severe psychological suffering’, and therefore as torture. These kinds of attacks also affect the victim’s ability to form and maintain relationships, the retention of some form of fundamental agency, and the maintenance of a somewhat safe future, which are also important elements to take into consideration.

Pau Perez-Sales, Psychological Torture: Definition, evaluation and measurement, 2017
Mental death or ‘mental defeat’ is defined by the loss of the victim’s pre-trauma identity, loss of core beliefs and values, distrust and alienation from others, shame and guilt, and a sense of being permanently damaged.

Ebert & Kyck, The experience of mental death: The core feature of complex posttraumatic stress disorder

Creating Dependency and Helplessness

Torture always includes a lack of control over the environment for the victim. Captors have total control over both the environment and the activities of detainees. Victims no longer have any control over their lives and are completely dependent on their captors.
Lockdowns place people in a similar situation to detainees.

Under lockdown, people have minimal control over their lives. They are not allowed to leave home except for a few select purposes such as buying groceries or stalking with a camera (in the case of the media). They may be forbidden from going to work or lose their jobs due to the social withdrawal of others. Without employment, people are dependent on financial assistance from the government just to survive. Likewise, businesses. Forced to close or severely restrict operations, many firms have only survived with money from the government.

With frequent changes in restrictions, people are dependent on news or government communication to check what their rulers will and will not allow them to do that day. The number of people you are allowed to hang out with, where you have to wear a mask, if you can attend class, if your employer is allowed to operate… restrictions often change every few days or more, creating a close dependency on the media for the latest updates.

Lockdowns have made people utterly helpless. People have no control over their lives and are prevented from even trying to take control. Barred from going to work, school, or a social event, the only control many people now have over their own lives is which TV channel to watch.

The complete dependency people have on the politicians who have taken control of their lives has caused a people to regress into a childlike state. The deliberate induction of a defenseless child level of development is a goal used in the torture of detainees, as seen in the CIA’s KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation manual. Provoking regression into the helpless state of young children is an objective of torture and lockdowns because it makes victims more passive and compliant with their oppressors.

Mandate holders have consistently held that, although not expressly mentioned in the treaty text, the “powerlessness” of the victim is a defining prerequisite of torture.

In practice, “powerlessness” arises whenever someone has come under the direct physical or equivalent control of the perpetrator and has effectively lost the capacity to resist or escape the infliction of pain or suffering. This is typically the case in situations of physical custody, such as arrest and detention, institutionalization, hospitalization or internment, or any other form of deprivation of liberty.

A psychological method applied in virtually all situations of torture is to purposefully deprive victims of their control over as many aspects of their lives as possible, to demonstrate complete dominance over them, and to instil a profound sense of helplessness, hopelessness and total dependency on the torturer.

Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Report, 2020
As a result, the traumatic impact of torture will be proportional to the unpredictability of the techniques used, and the feeling of helplessness experienced by the victim. These same parameters were found to be associated with poor long-term psychological functioning.
El-Khourey et al., Psychological torture: Characteristics and impact on mental health
It is a fundamental hypothesis of this handbook that these techniques, which can succeed even with highly resistant sources, are in essence methods of inducing regression of the personality to whatever earlier and weaker level is required for the dissolution of resistance and the inculcation of dependence. All of the techniques employed to break through an interrogation roadblock, the entire spectrum from simple isolation to hypnosis and narcosis, are essen-tially ways of speeding up the process of regression. As the interrogatee slips back from maturity toward a more infantile state, his learned or structured personality traits fall away in a reversed chronological order, so that the char-acteristics most recently acquired – which are also the characteristics drawn upon by the interrogatee in his own defence – are the first to go.
CIA’S KUBARK Interrogation Manual

Destruction of Social and Family Relations

Torture is the intentional infliction of intense suffering. It therefore involves committing both acts that directly cause suffering and acts that prevent people from coping with suffering. Interfering with an individual’s family and social life accomplishes both. Relationships are simultaneously a source of happiness and a means of coping with stressors.

To truly break people, government enforcers have often turned to sabotage of dissidents’ social lives.

The East German secret police, known as the Stasi, are perhaps the best-known adherents of psychological warfare based upon destroying social and familial ties. From the 1970s, the Stasi’s primary method of addressing dissent was called Zersetzung, which meant to destroy the self-confidence and mental resilience of dissidents through destroying their relationships.

These secret police would not only break apart groups of potential dissenters, they would engage in activities such as writing fake letters and doctoring photos in an effort to destroy the dissidents’ friendships and family relations. The actions of the Stasi were effective not only in destroying lives, but also in causing serious mental disintegration. Half of the targets of Zersetzung reportedly endured permanent serious psychological problems.

Today, our governments are using Stasi tactics against everyone, not only groups of dissidents. Social distancing laws have destroyed lives, from causing loss of employment to tearing apart friends and families. Like Zersetzung victims, lockdown victims are enduring serious mental suffering, including loss of confidence and identity. Social media corporations like Facebook and Google/Youtube are also practicing Zersetzung. They delete any account that discusses the legitimacy of lockdowns and prevent people from communicating with each other about the issue.

Destruction of personal relationships is not an inevitable inconvenience of dealing with a pandemic. It is a deliberate act of psychological warfare waged by our government and media corporations intended to create the psychological disintegration required to make people accept their seizure of power and give up on trying to expose them.

A routine method of psychological torture is to attack the victim’s need for social and emotional rapport, through isolation, social exclusion, mobbing and betrayal. Persons deprived of meaningful social contact and subjected to emotional manipulation can quickly become deeply destabilized and debilitated.
Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Report, 2020

Indefinite Punishment

An aggravating factor for torture victims is that they usually have no idea when their course of torture or detention will end. With no end in sight to their excruciating treatment, captives experience profound desperation and despair. Indefinite detention encourages cooperation with captors and renders the individual hopeless and defeated.

The same applies to lockdowns. No one knows when their lockdown will end. Often politicians set a time period for the lockdown when it begins, but they don’t usually adhere to it. At the end of 2020, we are seeing second strict lockdowns all over the world. Therefore, even if restrictions have been eased, people have to live under the constant threat that their state will return to a strict shelter-in-place order. Vaccination against coronavirus isn’t much help. Governments demand zero COVID, which can never be achieved even with a vaccine. Many governments have even stated that social distancing laws will remain in effect for years after the COVID vaccine is rolled out.

Depression, anxiety, and all of the mental effects of distancing may be exacerbated by the inability to predict when rights will be reinstated.

The unpredictable and indefinite nature of pandemic restrictions adds considerably to their psychological toll. Depression, anxiety, and all of the mental effects of distancing may be exacerbated by the inability to predict when rights will be reinstated. It is particularly impactful on suicidal ideation. Without hope for a return to normal on the horizon, people often see death as the only way out of their elite-created hell. A CDC survey captured this effect, finding that a quarter of young adults were seriously considering suicide.

Torture’s battle is always fought on the field of a person’s resistant self-reflective mind, the core that looks after all the systems. Pain is one of the doors to the conscious mind. So are fear, humiliation, uncertainty and lack of control.
Pau Perez-Sales, Psychological Torture: Definition, evaluation and measurement, 2017

Forced Participation in the Abuse of Oneself and Others

A disturbing aspect of torture is that victims are routinely forced into contributing to their own abuse. For instance, they may be forced to hold a stress position that causes them considerable pain, or denied food until they cut themselves. Captives may also be forced to hurt others, such as being made to beat their friends to avoid being beaten themselves.

As you can imagine, the inner conflict of hurting oneself or another against one’s will invariable cause intense anguish.

Our lockdown captors in parliament are no less cruel. They intimidate us to stay at home and endure the pain of isolation, when we know we would probably get away with going out. They prevent us from visiting our dear loved ones, causing us to neglect them and make them lonely and depressed. Businesses have to enforce social distancing for employees and patrons in order to avoid sharp fines or forced closures, possibly resulting in bankruptcy. Parents confine their children to the home, knowing the serious harm that it is causing them.

Made to harm ourselves, our family, and coworkers and clients, lockdown victims can experience deep shame, self-hatred, and inner conflict. By making citizens enforce lockdowns themselves, governments are greatly exacerbating the suffering they are causing and contributing to long-term trauma.

Imposing impossible choices forcing victims to participate in their own torture.
Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Report, 2020

Monopolization of Attention

Torture is about power and control. Eliminating external stimuli so that all of the detainees’ attention is focused on the captors or on reprogramming materials is central to exercising absolute power. Chinese detention centers, for instance, force detainees to put all of their attention on the program of indoctrination to condition them for complete submission to the communist party.

Attention monopolization is a feature of lockdowns, as well. Forced to stay home and needing to keep up with the latest restrictions, lockdown victims have no choice but to stay glued to the news. Television, radio, and online newspapers become our constant companions — often are only companions. We need only check the news daily to keep up with restrictions, however due to boredom and the intense fear of the virus incited by the media, many people have become news addicts, unable to turn off the news. In our helpless, dependent, infantile state, we instinctively turn to our new authority figure, the news media, for constant parental direction and security.

With our attention unduly fixated on news outlets perpetuating lockdown propaganda, we have little chance to resist the pro-lockdown indoctrination. Search engines and social media also filter out any content that objectively discusses pandemic response, further concentrating our attention on the narrow perspective of power holders. Besides subjecting people to constant propaganda, the monopolization of attention onto the news during lockdowns is also a major source of anger, hopelessness, and fear. The media gives 100% to make people as scared of coronavirus as possible while shaming and humiliating anyone standing up for human rights. Viewers, therefore, must contend with relentless attacks on their desire to be free.

Electronic communication services, social media platforms and search engines provide an ideal environment both for the anonymous delivery of targeted threats, sexual harassment and extortion and for the mass dissemination of intimidating, defamatory, degrading, deceptive or discriminatory narratives.
Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Report, 2020
Method 3: Monopolization of perception. Behan’s model of torture methods
Pau Perez-Sales, Psychological Torture: Definition, evaluation and measurement, 2017

Divide and Conquer

Thousands of years ago, rulers figured out that a population can be conquered readily by separating people and turning them against one another. Ever since, this has been a popular strategy used by dictators and corrupt leaders to gain control and crush opposition. Captors also utilize this method against their captives.

They separate the detainees to prevent them from communicating and try to turn them against each other, for instance, by falsely telling them that their peers have provided damning information against them.

Our political and media rulers are using the same tried and true method of divide and conquer to dominate the public. A major reason for social distancing rules is to prevent communication, so that people cannot share information and work together to liberate themselves. The ruler of Nova Scotia has admitted this.

Government and media pit people against one another to create social unrest. They encourage everyone to call out and shame anyone who is not strictly isolating. People not distancing are therefore ‘othered’ through public shaming and name-calling. Snitch lines have been set up to turn neighbor against neighbor. Your previously friendly neighbor who has lived across the street from you for 15 years now reports you to the authorities if you have your cousins over to hang out.

Loyal patrons of restaurants report their favorite place to dine if they see that parties are sitting too close together. The police and big tech work together to prevent people from openly discussing lockdowns in person or online. All this divisiveness is in addition to the destruction of the fabric of society from social distancing itself.

Elites’ efforts in turning people against one another has profoundly affected the solidarity once held among compatriots. People have never felt less connected to community and country. One often hears people saying that they wish anyone who isn’t socially distancing gets COVID or that they are glad that people did get COVID because they weren’t isolating like they should have been. Awakened folks who understand that social distancing is a hoax conjured up by elites to secure incredible power and that coronavirus is perfectly harmless for most people, don’t have much affinity for indoctrinated lockdown manchurians. Nor do they trust the media or their government any longer.

The administrators of lockdowns have broken the trust and social contract that people had with their fellow citizens. They have convinced the public that anyone not socially distancing is their enemy and a threat to their health and safety — a veritable enemy of the state. Gripped by fear and paranoia, people have learned that they cannot trust each other and must rely solely upon politicians and journalists for protection from what they think is their supreme enemy — a strand of a cold virus.

Politicians Portraying Themselves as Gods

Absolute domination requires more than destroying lives and imprisoning people in their own homes. It involves the demonstration of being all-knowing, all-powerful, and having total control over what happens to your subjects. It is a method used by rulers since ancient times to garner for themselves the highest level of power.

From the Pharaohs of Egypt and the Emperors of the Roman Republic, to North Korea’s Kim Jong-un today, rulers have often found the lure of deism irresistible. All over the world, a cult of elevating politicians to supra-worldly status has already emerged.

Interrogators and torturers frequently try to show their detainees that they are omniscient or omnipotent in order to teach them the futility of resistance and exercise absolute domination over them. CIA’s KUBARK interrogation manual mentions ‘Demonstrate omnipotence of captor,’ as does Behan’s model of torture methods. Lockdown-crazed politicians have followed this resistance-busting strategy. They use a number of tactics to etch themselves in the minds of their constituents as possessing power greater than mortals.

People’s trust in these institutions can only be regarded as a religion because they follow them based on faith rather than reason.

After a few weeks of lockdown, people are demoralized and desperate. They are utterly at the mercy of their new dictators to return all of their freedoms and escape the nightmare. Like dungeon torturers, lockdown politicians have caused such pain for people and exercised such an extreme level of oppression over their lives that people see them as having the power of Gods. We are utterly at their mercy.

An important aspect of demonstrating omnipotence is lockdown politicians’ newly claimed authority over the issue of death. They insist that dying from COVID is uniquely objectionable. No one is allowed to die from COVID, they declare, to the point of ruining society to enforce their declaration. Peculiarly, the same politicians are causing a health crisis and loss of life exponentially worse than an unchecked coronavirus pandemic. That is fine, they tell us. “Dying from anything is acceptable, as long as it’s not COVID.”

Lockdown politicians have such audacity that they claim authority, not just for this world, but also for the next. COVID-19 is not an acceptable means of passing into the afterlife in any circumstances, according to their spiritual decree. Meanwhile, they apparently think that people are not dying enough of all other causes as evidenced by their ‘pandemic response’ policies which increase known health risks across the board. Perhaps more disturbing than politicians’ and journalists’ recent annexation of dominion over death is the fact that no one seems to have noticed it.

Millions of people today are followers of a new religion without even realizing it. Governments and news media firms dictate to people what to believe and how to live. They are held up as prophets by their followers and obeyed unconditionally. People’s trust in these institutions can only be regarded as a religion because they follow them based on faith rather than reason. Lockdown preachers have never produced any evidence that lockdowns are of a net benefit to society, even in terms of health outcomes. They destroy anyone who questions their authority or tries to educate people about the faultiness of their teachings, not unlike Islamic extremists. Lockdowns are not a public health strategy. They are a cult.

Category 8: Demonstrating Omnipotence and Omniscience. Behan’s model of torture methods
CIA KUBARK Interrogation Manual: Demonstrate omnipotence of captor

Pau Perez-Sales, Psychological Torture: Definition, evaluation and measurement, 2017

Slurs and Accusations

Lockdown bullies have special punishments reserved for people who resist their abuse and try to awaken others. With the use of hurtful slurs and false accusations, they have been able to suppress any significant resistance to the pandemic restrictions. The default weapon of the lockdown police is name-calling.

The slur, COVIDIOT, has become extremely popular and is applied to anyone who is not keeping the strictest social distancing. Slurs are deeply harmful. They do more than hurt people’s feelings. Slurs dehumanize, making it easy to see others as less than human. The power of slurs results from their ability to cause people to justify negative attributions and cruel behavior without any logical rationalization. By some fault in the human mind, simply applying a label to others makes it possible to bypass the intellect and moral compass altogether. “COVIDIOT” is a very harmful term that should be relegated as unusable along with racial slurs.

Defamation has become a sport in the lockdown era. Few who have spoken out against lockdowns have been spared the most vicious of slander, including academics and scientists, a class normally off limits for such abuse. The media’s war of words is not limited to the truth. Reports of a purely fictional nature, such as accusations of mental illness or incompetence are not uncommon against anti-lockdown advocates. The intention of the media here is to make an example of anyone fighting for the public interest so as to keep the everyone too scared to speak up. What could be more of a deterrent than publicly being called crazy?

Through the use of slurs, rumors, and defamation, the media has created an environment of terror throughout an entire population. Everyone lives in fear that they will be the media’s next victim if they don’t live as instructed and keep their mouths shut.

Trapping People in an Abusive Domestic Situation

For too many souls, home life before coronavirus lacked peace and dignity. Many people live with someone who is consistently cruel and makes being at home hell. The ability to leave the home at will is critical to these people to minimize time spent with their abuser and to cope with the stress of the abuse. Coping includes social support and any activity that a person enjoys that lets her relax and relieve stress.

Lockdowns force people to stay home almost all of the time, severely limiting the ability of domestic abuse victims to cope. It also increases many stressors which likely results in an increase in abuse as the abusers take out their frustrations on their victims. The economic devastation of lockdowns is another exacerbating factor for abuse. Many people have lost their jobs and are now financially dependent on their abuser, inflating any power difference and possibly ending plans of breaking up.

In other cases, former victims may have no choice but to move back in with their abuser. Indeed, reports of domestic abuse have soared during lockdowns. The pandemic response is thus trapping many people in an inhuman environment comparable to the intense interrogation technique of placing a detainee in a cell with others who are insane or aggressive.

Persecution of Non-Adherents

People who have tried to hold on to their rights have been persecuted since day one. At first, it was people who dared associate with others that were villainized and branded COVIDIOTS. In 2021, the focus of Naziesque demonizing and scapegoating has shifted towards people who are not fully vaccinated. Politicians blame the existence of restrictions on people who associate with others, claiming that if only people had more strictly obeyed the rules, COVID would be extinct. Increasingly, the shame game has turned towards people who have not submitted to the toxic injections people like to call ‘COVID vaccination.’

Propagandists often state that unvaccinated people are giving COVID to vaccinated people. They are extremely shameless in inciting hatred against the unvaccinated, calling them dangerous, and claiming that they are killing the vaccinated by giving them COVID. If the vaccines worked, it would not matter if others are vaccinated or not, so it is hard to understand how people believe the “unvaccinated people are infecting the vaccinated” claim.

The unvaccinated are becoming even more persecuted than the “COVIDIOTS” of 2020. The propaganda to hate, shun, unfriend, and otherwise persecute the unvaccinated in every way conceivable has really amped up in the spring of 2021. In July 2021, three European countries passed laws preventing unvaccinated people from doing just about everything, including grocery shopping and taking transit.

Persecution of non-Covidists is not only from the government. Polls show popular support for persecution of non-vaccinated individuals. Restaurants, employers, schools, and medical clinics are taking it upon themselves to ban the unvaccinated. The media and government claim that the COVID pandemic, and its restrictions, still exist because of the unvaccinated beasts. 

The persecution of the unvaccinated is a glaring example of the brainwashing that the public has undergone because it simply does not make any sense. If you are vaccinated and think that your vaccine is effective, then you would be protected and don’t have to worry about others giving you COVID. Yet the brainwashed herds proclaim “My vaccine shot protects me from SARS-CoV-2, unless the SARS-CoV-2 comes from someone unvaccinated, in which case it does nothing.” 

Hatred, bullying, and discrimination against people who are not following the advice of the conspirators has reached a crisis level. It can be unbearable being a dissident in a world engulfed by a sadistic cult. The perpetrators keep coming up with more ways to torment and vilify non-Covidists. Rounding us into concentration camps doesn’t look far off.

Face Masks

There appears to be a consensus among (uncorrupted) scientists that face masks don’t affect contagion of coronavirus. Of course, the credentialed propagandists that promote the other methods of torture, also push mask-wearing. Nonetheless, it doesn’t matter if masks “work” or not — exposure to SARS-CoV-2 is good for those middle-aged and younger because it builds up lasting immunity. For all ages, there are effective medications to treat COVID.

Requirements to wear masks, whether they originate from a government or organization, are very harmful. Masks obstruct breathing and prevent visual interpersonal communication, each of which have a large effect on quality of life. They cause many health problems, as captured in numerous studies. However, their immediate discomfort, impairment of respiration, and suppression of visual communication are ample reasons to consider them a form of assault.

How would you like it if a bully smothered your mouth and nose with his hand, making it hard for you to breathe? That would be cause for an assault charge. How is it any different if a premier forces everyone to wear a mask or face unemployment, denial of service, or fines? Either way, the effect is the same — discomfort, inability to freely breathe, and the indignity of being dominated.

Forced face masking is a grotesque violation of human rights. What could be more fundamental natural rights of a living organism than to respire with ease and communicate naturally with other members of the same species? Obstructing respiration is assault. It is a form of choking or asphyxiation. It is irrelevant whether it is done directly or by forcing someone to do it to herself. God gave us air with oxygen. Depriving people of something as precious as air is despicable, yet even toddlers are now perpetually violated in this manner.

Face masks don’t have any health benefits. Mask mandates and coercive measures exist to torture us. Sometimes detainees are intentionally deprived of air, either through face covering or by having their cells severely under-ventilated. Deprivation of air is as cruel as the infliction of physical pain. Forcing people to hide their faces so they cannot see smiles, empathic expressions, and other facial communication is also inhuman treatment. It isolates people from each other such that there is little difference from being alone and being around others.

Another reason our rulers force us to wear masks is to create anxiety. Seeing others in masks makes us intuitively feel that we are facing a powerful, imminent threat from which we should cower. It generates anxiety and arouses us to think that there is a real pandemic which threatens our lives. 

Laws or coercion that results in covered faces is an essential component of The Terror. It is a tool used by elites to break us down psychologically and make life so miserable that we will beg to be injected with whatever poison they conjure up to make it end.

Denial of basic rights, menticide, and blatant bullying by the government and media during the pandemic has caused immense inner suffering for billions of people. Using every tactic out of a POW interrogation manual, these dark institutions have committed torture on an entire population. Contrary to what they tell us, this suffering is not due to personal weakness or lack of patriotism. It is entirely and directly due to the actions of individuals with power in parliament and corporate news boardrooms.

Imagine a citizen held someone hostage, refused to let him leave, refused to let people visit him, denied him desperately-needed medical attention, underfed him, convinced him he is a worthless object, subjected him to deep shame and humiliation, made him beg for his own meals, called him slurs, made him hurt himself, and instilled a terrifying fear in him all while the victim feels personally responsible and has no idea when the incident will end. We would consider that citizen a psychopathic criminal who should spend many years in jail, even if the incident only lasted a few days. Our psychopathic politicians have treated us this way for many months but people can’t see the criminal acts through the rosy facade of government. It is time to make the perpetrators answer for their grave crimes against humanity.