How Can We Take Back Our Freedom?

No action against lockdowns will be effective as long as the majority of people blame the government for COVID-19. The extreme actions of governments against coronavirus contagion have their root in the public’s expectation of their governments to control the virus. People point their fingers at their political leaders for every single case of COVID-19, especially the fatal cases. The media is particularly guilty in this regard. 

It is hypocritical to encharge one’s government with fighting the virus while simultaneously complaining that we don’t like the actions that they are taking towards that end. The only role of the government in a pandemic is public education about the virus, enabling individuals to take protective action for themselves, and expanding health care capacity as necessary. Beyond those three functions, our governments are not responsible for anyone getting coronavirus, the flu, a broken leg, or any other health condition. The scientific reality of herd immunity will keep infection rates very low once infections reach a certain point. 

“One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

Important message from George Orwell

Ignore Social Distancing Rules

Civil disobedience is a virtue in the face of a corrupt government. Many people have indeed won Peace Awards for unlawful behavior. Nelson Mandela, 1993 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, served 27 years for economic terrorism.

The entire independence campaign of Mahatma Gandhi was one of civil disobedience and opposition to the government. Gandhi was himself imprisoned for 6 years for fighting for freedom.

Politicians have been able to get away with lockdowns only because they have been blindly obeyed by virtually everyone. If enough people continued to live their lives normally, there would not be enough police officers to arrest them.

Neither would there be enough jail capacity to detain everyone. Politicians would be forced to abandon lockdowns. Businesses should also disobey lockdowns to the extent that they can withstand government retribution. It is unfortunate when a business is fined or shut down by the police for standing up for its patrons, but like individuals, if enough businesses disobey the lockdown at the same time, the government may back off.

Spread the Message that Lockdowns are Worse Than COVID-19

The government-media lockdown propaganda machine has convinced most people that lockdowns provide a net benefit to society. The drawbacks of lockdowns, according to this deadly alliance, are necessary to save lives from coronavirus. Most people do not realize that drastic social distancing causes far more suffering and takes more years away from people’s lives than does coronavirus. It is important to educate others on the harms and politics of the pandemic response. Policy change begins with a change in public opinion. Talk to your friends and share this website on social media. Challenge people who spread the myth that lockdowns save lives. People will not regain their freedom until a large number of people raise their voices.

An easy way to spread the word is to send a brief email to every personal email address you have to check out It doesn’t matter if you haven’t been in touch with them for years. What matters is numbers — getting the message to as many people as possible. You can write one email with many BCCs so recipients won’t know it’s a mass email. You can also text everyone you know “check out It’s amazing.” That’s all you need to say. The internet censors this and other sites that expose lockdowns and “vaccines”, so person-to-person contact is the only way to spread the word for free. There are brochures and posters for download on the resources page.

If you have money to spend, you can donate to allow me to buy online ads. At 5 cents per visitor, Microsoft Advertising text ads are a very cost-efficient way to spread awareness. 100% of donations go to online ads. I maintain out of my pocket. It is hard to drive traffic to the website for free with search engine censorship, so advertising is essential.


Peaceful protest is valuable for any group fighting for their rights. Protests may get the attention of the media and let others know that they are not the only ones who are against lockdowns. They give others the courage to speak up. To maximize the number of people involved in a movement, it helps to have a basic message that many people can get behind, such as “restrictions do more damage than they prevent” or “the shots are killing us.” Too much talk of coronavirus being imaginary or vaccines being Bill Gates’ method of ruling the world can alienate people who don’t share those beliefs, not to mention pull the public discussion away from the health imperative of easing restrictions.

Caravan protests are a good option for places where gatherings are broken up by the police. Have a convoy of vehicles driving slowly across the city through its busiest neighborhoods, honking their horns and covered with short large type messages like “We deserve freedom” or “No shots for kids.” The people in your city will see that there is a local movement against lockdowns even if there is a media blackout and you can’t get arrested because there is no gathering. Displaying “” on a vehicle will allow people to learn more. Politicians will see that there is a growing fierce opposition to lockdowns and come to understand that their political careers depend on protecting civil liberties, not taking them away.

No one is coming to save you. Every one of you has to fight back and tell your government, “I’m a human being, goddammit. My life has value!” as in this clip from The Network, 1976.

Write Letters to the Government

Letter-writing is an easy way to influence the government. Amnesty International recommends to its members that they write post letters, rather than emails, because they find that they are taken more seriously. Emails are also effective. Referencing this website can help, as it shows that you understand the situation. Letters can be directed to individual politicians or government agencies at the federal or state level. They will have the most influence if they have a professional, intellectual tone and it is clear that the writer thoroughly understands the issue. Displays of anger are effective in protests but backfire when it comes to writing letters. Ironically, the more professional the tone of the letter, the more intimidating it will be. 

Exposing government fraud does not make you a conspiracy theorist

It makes you a responsible parent and citizen


The courts are an indispensable tool in protecting society from the crimes against humanity perpetrated by government and news media. A municipal, state, or federal government can be taken to court for violating the constitution. There have been successful legal actions taken against governments on the grounds that lockdowns violated the constitution. No government measures infringing upon constitutional freedoms should go without a legal challenge. Law firms can be hired that specialize in constitutional law. There are also charities that take up public interest constitutional battles for free. In Canada, for instance, the nonprofit Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, has taken a few provinces to court over lockdowns. 

News media firms can and should be sued for constantly inciting hysteria and spreading misinformation. They have consistently, intentionally, and knowingly deceived the public about SARS-CoV-2 and social distancing. Thus, they are legally responsible for the ensuing mental, social, and financial devastation. Did you or your business lose money due to pandemic restrictions that arose from the pressure that the media placed upon your government? If so, you deserve full compensation from the media corporations responsible. Are you one of the hundreds of millions of people suffering anxiety as a direct result of the media’s incessant panic-mongering? Those news companies definitely owe you financial compensation if that applies to you.

A major drawback of litigation or constitutional challenges, regretfully, is that cases can take years to come to a conclusion.

Reiner Fullmich: 25% of European judges have been paid off.

Political Involvement

Political action probably has more potential to end the restrictions than other forms of activism. You can only fight political corruption with honest politicians. If there is no anti-lockdown political party in your country, join the party that you think is most likely to oppose lockdowns and demand your riding produces a pro-freedom candidate.

A few countries have seen anti-lockdown political parties spring up. Canada has the PPC. It formed in 2019 and is the only pro-freedom party in the country. AusReps formed in Australia to restore freedom because the existing parties were all Covidist. The Reform Party was formed in 2020 to free Britain. If you live in Canada, Australia, or Britain, I recommend you join and financially support your pro-freedom party. I am not aware of membership organizations fighting for freedom in these countries besides these political parties. The government can break-up and incarcerate anti-lockdown organizations under the guise of conspiring to violate public health orders, but it would be much less feasible for them to destroy a registered political party — that would make international news.

Physical Ads in Public

Displaying physical ads for the freedom cause can take many forms including:

  • Custom bumper sticker or decal for your car 
  • Posters and stickers
  • Holding up signs on the roadside for drivers to see
  • Street art, such as chalking onto a sidewalk 
  • Banners, such as on a highway overpass
  • Lawn and window signs
  • Billboards
  • Clothing and accessories, such as tee shirts or pins

Physical advertisements are content-light. Not a lot of information can be put on a readable bumper sticker or a lawn sign. Posters and brochures should also have a limited amount of content so that there is enough room for an attention-grabbing design. Not many people will bother reading a poster or pamphlet that is all text and no design.

This form of advocacy has two important benefits. Personal forms of advertising, such as a tee shirt or window sign, can signal to others that there is a sizable pro-freedom segment of society, when they are deployed by a sufficiently large number of people. People tend to reject ‘fringe’ or unpopular views, so seeing that the pro-freedom view is common will legitimize it in people’s eyes.

Another benefit of this form of advertising is that it can give people a source to read up on the harmful pandemic response. “” is one such source, and very easy to remember. If you select another pro-freedom website for follow-up, please choose one with an easy-to-remember web address! Paper posters may be an exception, however. They can have a tearable section at the bottom with the URL, so it won’t be necessary to have an easy-to-remember URL.

Organizational Outreach

With vaccine mandates and passports spreading faster than coronavirus, it is critical to educate organizations on the harms of the pseudo-vaccines. Contacting employers and schools on the terrible harms and poor efficacy of the injections is a priority for the freedom movement. The leaders of the organizations that implement vaccine mandates are usually completely unaware of the harms caused by the pseudo-vaccines. 

Like the majority of society, organizational leadership has been subject to the omnipresent disinformation campaign carried out by the government and media. They don’t have a clue that these vaccines increase severe COVID, have a high rate of nightmarish side effects, or have alternatives which are 1000 times safer. It is our job to educate them. Write to businesses, unions, trade associations, schools, business associations… any employer or organization that could potentially bring in a vaccine mandate for workers or clients. Offer as an authoritative source for further information. 

It is important to be clear and firm that requiring people to get a COVID “vaccine” is engaging in the crime of extermination and that criminal punishment will be forthcoming for the individuals involved. The following organizations provide templates for a legal Notice of Liability. These letters will be taken more seriously if they are post-mailed.

UK Medical Freedom Alliance

World Freedom Alliance

Vaccine Choice Canada

Advocacy Tips

LEAD with the health impact of healthcare denial. Most people realize what a folly it was to deny people healthcare. But don’t make this your central argument because then people may think that lockdowns are good as long as they don’t affect healthcare.

KEEP it about pandemic restrictions (and vaccines, if that’s an issue for you). Too many anti-restrictions activists have been using their platform to discuss unrelated issues. The more irrelevant issues you bring in, the more people you alienate.

KEEP “conspiracy theory” discussion to a minimum. Instead, describe the many “frauds” involved in the pandemic response. For people who are interested, you can expound upon the hidden motives you suspect are at play. However, leading with “Agenda 21”, “globalism”, etc., will turn people off before you’ve even caught their interest.

I like to start discussions by mentioning that politicians know that the restrictions are doing much, much more harm than good and then start bang off a few of the major underlying lies. eg. “They know the COVID cases are almost all false positives. They know there is no such thing as asymptomatic transmission. What really gets me as that they know they can prevent 85% of actual COVID deaths with medication, but they are withholding medical treatment for some reason.” When they ask you why the government is committing these frauds, you can change the conversation to their motives.

DEMAND government unconditionally respect three fundamental principles of public policy: respect for the constitution and human rights, non-harm, and informed consent. The pandemic restrictions are based on deception (violating informed consent), cause severe suffering (violating non-harm), and trample on nearly all of our most basic constitutional rights.

SHOW your outrage over the severe harm caused by the restrictions. It will liberate others to do so as well and not feel ashamed for being against the restrictions. Successful political action requires passion.

GRAPHS are invaluable to convey quantitative messages, such as COVID cases in free states being on par with those in locked-down states, or patient loads being at normal levels in hospitals. Actually, without graphs, or at least tables, people are inclined to dismiss your claims. Government fraud is so rampant now that people cannot believe it!

PERSONAL stories of the harms of lockdowns, especially of children and the elderly, are helpful to include along with the logical case. Most people base their views on their emotions.

ATTACK only. Never defend. Lawyers and politicians know that their opponents must ALWAYS be on the defensive. If you take a defensive attitude and justify your counter-narrative position, all the scorn will be on you. You want to always be attacking your opponent. For instance, avoid saying “I think that we shouldn’t have lockdowns because they cause a lot of collateral damage.” Don’t even mention yourself or your opinions. That causes people to put their attention on you and criticize you. Only discuss the actions of the perpetrators (eg. “Premier Ford’s lockdowns have caused tremendous harm to Ontarians and his own government shows that hospitals average only one COVID patient each.”) Place people’s attention squarely where it should be — on the guilty party.

BE INCLUSIVE. Identity politics is a major problem for the freedom movement. In some countries, like Canada, right-wing individuals were the first on the scene; understandable considering they possess superior knowledge of the corrupt nature of government. However, it is challenging for liberals to join because they are unfriendly to them and are as likely to pontificate on topics such as vegetarians being idiots as the importance of freedom. Europe’s freedom movement, such as the World Freedom Alliance, has the opposite problem. They are very leftist and use the lockdown-vaccine issue as a platform to fundraise for their woke charities and discuss a multitude of social issues to make themselves appear morally superior.

Fellow freedom lovers, the crimes against humanity of lockdowns and mass poisoning apply to every person in your country. Please be inclusive and work with people from all walks of life in shared interest to free your country. Keep your freedom activism about freedom activism. You only make yourselves look bad by using The Terror as a platform to promote yourself and your interests. Having said that, promoting your country’s “freedom party” is a critical activity. If your country has only one party that promotes freedom, you should support that party regardless of your political leanings.

TARGET THE OPEN-MINDED. It is very unlikely you will be able to awaken a hardcore Covidist. I find that these people (which constitute a large majority in many Western countries) immediately reject all evidence that the pandemic response has been destructive. Nothing you tell or show them will awaken them as their position is based solely upon faith in the conspirators. For these hopelessly brainwashed folks, just throw them a seed like “The pandemic response has done terrible harm while failing to even mitigate COVID. It is based upon falsehoods and censorship. You should check out — it explains everything.” Then drop the issue. They will probably respond with an insult, but at least you’ve planted a seed. Eventually they will wake up, but it may take years.

Focus your effort on those people who actually have some mental faculties remaining. These are the people who perk up and look interested when you start revealing the truth. In general, they are also brainwashed and believe in the pandemic response, but have a nagging suspicion that something just ain’t right. They are often receptive to someone who can offer them an explanation of what is going on in the world that actually makes sense — elites making trillions of dollars from lockdowns, censorship preventing the public from receiving accurate information on the vaccines, and so on.